Hawkmoth watched as Ladybug made her way, scooching across the wall like an idiot.
"Can she hear me?" He asked.Volpina shook her head. "She will see and hear what I want her too."
"Let her hear me." Hawkmoth said as Ladybug stood back from the garage door. Volpina nodded and waved her flute."Ladybug." He said.
Ladybug screeched when she heard his voice, her back pressed up against the cool metal of the door. Her eyes frantically searching around for him, hoping her eyes would adjust to the darkness soon.
"Hawkmoth?" She said."Hello. Lovely to come face to face with you once again."
"Where are you?"
"I am everywhere" he said.
Ladybug gasped as hawkmoth came into the light that suddenly appeared.
"I am everywhere" he said again, and another hawkmoth came and stood next to him.
Again he said "i am everywhere" and yet another came fo stand next to the two.Ladybug closed her eyes hoping she was just seeing things but- did she close them? She closed her eyes again and they did not dissapear. She reached up to make sure here eyes were closed and- they were. How was she seeing this? "What the-" she said
"Look at you." Hawkmoth's voice echoed
"Just a girl, in a onzie." He laughed.
"I thought I taught you that i can be much more than that, or do i have to teach you again?" Ladybug said, unhooking her yo-yo."Oh you'll find that you won't be able to use that." He smiled. Ladybug looked down at it, then back to him in confusion- then immediately back down to her yo-yo. Where was it??? In fact- where was her arm! Where was her body! She could feel it, feel the warmth througg the fabric as her hands touched eachother, feel the weight of her yo-yo in her hand but- couldnt see any of it. It was just- dark.
"What did you do to me!" Ladybug yelled, walking towards him. Hawkmoth smiled evily, and stepped backwards as Ladybug came close but before she could reach him- "OW" ladybug fell to the floor, rubbing her head. Confusion flowed through her, her adrenaline rushing back. "What on earth-" ladybug felt in front of her- ther was a wall- no... not a wall. A cement pillar- she was still in the wearhouse!
Not knowing what else to do, ladybug conjured her lucky charm. Something heavy dropped into her lap and she stood up. Holding tight to the object.
She heard hawkmoth's laugh echo around her, taunting her. Ladybug found herself struggling to breathe, her shallow breaths not enough to sustain her.
"Look at you." He said again. She tripped over something and fell to the ground again.
"So weak." Ladybug yelled as something hard made contact with her side and she rolled over.
"So useless" She gasped for air, waving her arms through the air trying to find what was choking her. She found the appendige and struggled to get it off, grabbing different parts to try other ways, in the meantime discovering it was a foot. Ladybug threw her legs up, knocking Hawkmoth in the genitals. He doubled over, and ladybug kicked him off. She forced herself to stand while her strength returned. There was only one person capable of whatever magic this was."Where are you lila." She said, having regained her breath.
"What makes you think I had anything to do with this?" A voice echoed.
"Hawkmoth isn't capable of this. Your the only one who would help him willingly, and hawkmoth wouldn't be able to control someone who had other plans."
"Hm. Smart as always. You know what? Lets make a deal. You can have my akuma. If you can find me. Hawkmoth's obsession with you two is boring me anyway. And like you said. I have other plans."
"Two?.....no-" her face fell with realization. "WHERE'S CHAT" Ladybug roared.
Lila's chuckle didn't echo this time. Ladybug launched her yo-yo in the direction of the laugh, latching onto something. She yanked it back towards her impulsively, not testing to see if she had hit Volpina, or something else.
Ladybug was knocked to the floor with a large cement brick. She felt a warmth trickle down her face, and her head screamed. She struggled to stand up, wiping the blood that tickled her cheeks. The illusion in her eyes glitched and she saw a blur of orange on gray.
"The wearhouse- gotcha." Ladybug thought, her eyes locking onto volpina before the illusion re-appared. She threw her yo-yo at the orange, and volpina yelped. Ladybug smiled at the conformation and pulled volpina towards her, knocking her to the ground. The illusion glitched again when Lila's head hit the concrete."Where is it." Ladybug seethed, pinning Lila down.
"Bracelet, left wrist." Volpina choked. Ladybug yanked the bracelet off and smashed it. Light seeped in and the illusion faded. She felt a weight lift off off of her and she gasped. She stood up and took in her surroundings.
The wearhouse was completely empty and partially caved in, with only three pillars supporting the remaining roof. Hawkmoth was on the other side of the room, still crouched on the ground but slowly standing up. She didn't see Adrien.
"Get out of here." Ladybug said, glaring at Lila.
"I will get your miraculous back. You don't deserve it." She said, noticing she wasn't wearing it. Ladybug watched her leave, and turned her attention back to hawkmoth, who was now fully standing.~•———————•~
Adrien groaned, his conscience blurred, and his vision blotchy from the pain.
"WHERE IS HE!" he heard ladybug yell. He looked up, and saw her standing over hawkmoth. She was terrifying.
"La-" coughs racked his body as soon as he spoke. "La- lady-" he lost hold of consciousness and fell into the dark once again.
Ladybug looked over, her attention turning to the boy crumbled on the other side of the room.
"Nooro, plagg," Ladybug whipped her attention back to hawkmoth.
Ladybug gasped as he transformed. Once again standing, towering over her. Hawkmoth called his cataclysm and Ladybug ran. She ran between the pillars, picking her lucky charm from where she must have dropped it as she went.
She stood her ground and punched him in the face behind her, running to hide behind a pillar.
"Up for a game of cat and mouse?" Hawkmoth chimed. "Gosh do the puns come with the miraculous?" Ladybug thought. She looked at the charm in her hands. "A boomerang? What am I supposed to do with this?" She whispered."Or should i say- cat and ladybug" Hawkmoth said, appearing in front of her. Ladybug screeched and dodged the cataclysm, having it destroy the pillar instead. The ceiling moaned as the support went out. Ladybug rolled out of the way, throwing her yo-yo around his legs to trip him. She looked around the room for a plan, her ladybug vision highlighting certain things around the room, including Chat's unconscious body.
"Cataclysm!" Hawkmoth called again. "What the-" she dodged his attack again, leaping beside the second pillar.
"You forget, with age comes power" he said, swiping at her and missing, Again hitting the pillar and it crumbled.
"Two down, one to go." Ladybug mumbled. Hawkmoth picked up one of the pieces of rock, and threw it at ladybug, but it flaked in mid air, feet away from him. She took her chance and threw the boomerang, running for Chat. The boomerang sliced through the pillar and without having something to support it, the ceiling collapsed. Already being under the hole in the roof, Ladybug and Adrien were safe.
She picked Chat's ring off the ground and took off with Adrien, making sure not to look at his face.
This was damage she wouldn't be repairing.
Hi. So i suck at fight scenes so i apologize if this chapter was really fast paced and hard to understand, im still working on it. I feel like i don't put enough emotion into these things..... but hey im no professional and im still learning. Prepare for angst in the next few chapters, otherwise I hope you enjoyed! (Also just in case i didnt make it clear, Ladybug does not know chat is adrien)
See ya soon.
Feel free to comment what you thought about the chapter!
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Living With Her
FanfictionIn this story of teenage love, angst, family troubles, cliffhangers and dramatic moments, Adrien figures out his father is Hawkmoth, he gets into an argument with him, and leaves the Agreste household and is on his own... what will he do? Where will...