"Ta-da!" Tibbles sang as he pulled off a black cover on a box that said 'Wheaties' with our pictures on it. We were sitting in a local diner with the whole team and Miss. Mackay. I was sitting next to Luis and Ken. "Woah!" Everyone was all excited.
"I look pretty good in that picture." I shrugged talking to no one in particular. "Got that right." Luis nodded making me jump. "Holy shit, I forgot you were here." I gasped putting a hand on my heart to see how fast it was beating. "Ouch. I see how it is." He laughed turning back to Tibbles.
"I've never seen Adam more jealous. I'm gonna start crying from laughing so hard." Aspen leaned over and whispered to me. "He's not that-" I turned around to see Adam glaring at Luis. "Jealous." I said in a question tone. He looked over and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and Emily rolled her eyes from next to him.
"Is it just me or is Emily bit of a-"
"Bitch?" Aspen cut me off. "Uh, not exactly what I was going for." I looked at her confused. "Yeah. She is. She's literally ripping Charlie away from me. It's like she's possessing him with her stupid accent, and annoyingly shiny blonde hair. It's fucking annoying, I want my boyfriend back." She huffed turning around to look at the girl.
"Yeah, I'm look at you, blondie. Stop stealing peoples boyfriends and get your own." Aspen flipped the girl off while Emily just looked around confused. "Okay, calm down." I rubbed her back. "Sorry, sorry." She nodded turning around. "God, I hate blonde people." Aspen sighed making me laugh.
"First she goes for Adam, then Charlie. If she goes for Guy next I might cry." Aspen said crossing her arms. "Yeah, Connie and Guy's relationship is the only thing that makes me believe love is real." I looked over to the couple who was laughing together.
"She even tried to get with me." Luis piped into the conversation making us both jump and turn towards him. "But then again who wouldn't, am
I right?" He winked at us. "Stop doing that, you creep." I flicked his forehead. "Ow." He whined rubbing his head. "Not the face, Scarlett." Aspen smacked my hand. "Shut up."We all looked back at Tibbles who was holding up a team USA jersey. Me and Aspen started to race to see who got there first, but Adam stopped me before I got to the box. "Dude, come on. I was winning the race." I watched as Aspen got to the box first and flipped me off while holding up her jersey. I flipped her off and turned back to Adam.
"Sorry, but here. Number 13." He held out my jersey. "Thanks, number 99." I smiled taking it out of his hands. "I kinda wanted to talk to you." He said walking back to the table we were at. "Go for it, Banks. I'm all ears." I looked at him while we sat down. "I want another chance." He said making me laugh. "You don't just...get, another chance. You broke up with me remember? I'm not gonna be available whenever you want just for you to break up with me the next day."
"I understand that. I messed up, I'm sorry, I know that now. I was just worried we'd grow apart during your month away. I didn't wanna loose you an-"
"So you break up with me? Y'know phones exist, right? And besides, you broke up with me to focus on hockey, only to end up dating other girls."
"Look, I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do. I dated all those girls to get my mind off the fact that I missed you. I need you. Give me another chance. Please." He begged and by the look in his eyes he was being genuine. "Fine."
I'm not giving in that easily.
"You have to earn it, though. Everything's not just gonna go back to normal." I sighed as everyone started coming back to the tables. "Thank you. How about ice cream? 6:00 tonight?" He smiled and I thought about it.
He's trying, might as well, I thought to myself. "Fine. I'll be ready. See ya, Banks." I said getting up to go talk to Charlie. I noticed he looked sad and I wanted to see what was up.
"Hey, spaz-way. What's up?" I said sitting in the seat next to him. "This stuff is really nice, don't get me wrong but, Hendrix? We're the ducks. It's just happening so fast one minute we're the ducks the next we're team USA. Isn't this weird to you?" He asked looking down at his jersey.
"Kinda, I'm not gonna lie." I sighed thinking about what to say next. "But, stuff happens changes occur, gotta get used to it." I shrugged. That's what I told myself everyday after Adam broke up with me. It helped for the most part.
"Wow, never thought I'd hear you say that. Scarlett Anderson the girl who hates change says to 'get used to it' woah. Am I dreaming?" He joked making me laugh.
"We'll always be the ducks, Charlie. But sooner than later we'll have to accept the fact that we have to grow up. We gotta move on. The ducks lead us to this new step, now we fly off as something new." I rambled and he looked at me shocked. "That was deep, dude. Are you okay?" He asked and I laughed.
"Holy shit, that was a lot. I think so." I said standing up.
"As much as I want her to, I gotta go stop your girlfriend from ripping Emily's eyes out." We looked over to Aspen whacking Emily with her jersey while Bombay tried to pull her off. "Please talk to her by the way. I need you guys together. I was like a proud mom when you two got together." I said and he nodded before I walked away.

MOVED ON | adam banks [2]
Fanfiction"It made me sick. Seeing the girl I'm in love with fall in love with someone else. Every time I thought about it, even if it was just for a second, I feel my heart start to break into a million pieces. Maybe even more. When I thought about it I can'...