Techno Time

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A loud thud pulled Tommy out of his thoughts.

He quickly turned around to see Technoblade. He was slightly panting and sweating.

Tommy looked down and saw a trunk in front of Techno. He stood up and went over to it.

"What kind of wood is this?" He asked.
"It's Spruce." Techno replied.

Tommy knocked on it. It's not hollow..

"why did you bring a tree?" He questioned.
"Because you broke my training dummy. You break it, you fix it." He replied .

Tommy felt a shiver run down his spine.
Why the hell is he so damn scary?!

"Exactly how?" Tommy asked.
"Your gonna make one from scratch."
"But I don't know how-"
"I'll show you"

Techno went inside the shed and took out some tools.

"First, we need to shave it of its bark," he said.
He showed Tommy how to do it.

"you don't want to chip the wood underneath but you also don't want to just be gentle." He ordered. Tommy nodded, then tried it.

He mimicked Technos movements and did an ok job.

After an hour of shaving it, they moved on to the second step.
"Next, we need to cut it," he grabbed his axe.

"This part I'm gonna do."
"Aw why?" Tommy pouted.

"Because, you already pricked your finger with a knife and I don't trust you with something as sharp as an axe," he said.

Tommy muttered curses under his breath as Techno chopped away. There was some pretty awkward silence between them as the next minutes went by.

Techno cut out some blocks while Tommy sat there, bored out of his mind.

Maybe I could get to know them better, Niki would probably want that..

he cleared his throat rather loudly and Techno looked up.

"Umm... I was wondering..."
"Uh...what were you doing in that room?" He asked.

Techno tensed up but showed no emotion on his face.

"Just meditating in my room...." He replied.
"You do that all the time?"
"No, but I do it sometimes..."
Techno was back to chopping up the wood.

"Do you have any hobbies you do?"
"Combat training,"
"is that all you do?"
"what else?"

Techno just remained silent.

Don't let him know everything...

"nothing..." he mumbled. Tommy frowned as how dull this conversation was.

Guess we're just gonna sit here like this...

the hours dragged on as Techno finally finished cutting the wood. Tommy didn't realize how tough it was when he took the next step.
"Next, we need to sculpt the arms.."
he demonstrated how to. Tommy nodded then began working.

It took them a long time and soon the sun dipped below the horizon.

"Looks like that's enough for the day. Let's clean up,"
he said. Tommy nodded then picked up all the tools. Techno picked up the axe.

They walked to the shed then dumped the items in. They went back and took the woodblocks toward the shed as well.

They walked inside and Techno shut the door.

"Need help finding your room?"
"I got it! After all I am a big man!"

Techno let a small smile slip but then went back to a stern glare.

"Ok" he then walked back towards his room.
Tommy went the opposite direction.

"Wrong way!" Techno called out.
Tommy chuckled.

"I knew that, I was just, uh, testing you!"
He claimed. Techno rolled his eyes.

"Just follow me,"
"okay!" Tommy shuffled behind Techno once more as he led him to his bedroom.

"Get showered then change into your PJs. There on your bed." He said. He then closed the door and waited outside for a bit. He heard Tommy mumbling to himself.

"Shower? What the hell is a shower? And what are PJs? Eh, guess I'll find out!"
He heard more shuffling then turned around.

Wilbur was standing with a smirk on his face, his arms crossed.

"Someone's getting attached," he quietly teased. Techno rolled his eyes again.

"Am not"
"are too"
"am not"
"are too"
"shut up," "

fine, but you can't deny it Tech," Techno just grumbled out of irritation as he walked with Wilbur.

"Y'know, dads been worried sick about you for a while now.." Techno felt his body tense up.

"He doesn't need to be, I can handle myself,"
Techno replied.

"That's the problem Tech, you're refusing to trust him, you're refusing to trust me!"
Techno just breathed in deeply.

Don't get worked up over such trivial matters, calm down....

"This discussion is over, Goodnight Wil..."
he came off a little bitter but he was a little bit heated to realize his tone at the current moment.

He walked off to his room and closed the door. Wilbur sighed heavily and felt a frown tug at him.


We getting some family angst!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Remember drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a good nights rest, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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