Hybrids Promise

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TW:Slaves, Abuse


If you don't want to read it, that's fine, I will tell you what happens next chapter.

Tommy stood at the gates, one final goodbye before Niki left. Tommy hugged her and Minx as well. They both said their farewells to the others as they made their way back to the village.

See? She left you...just like everyone else.... You think you have a chance at life Tommy, but you don't....you will always be nothing...

"I know...I'm well aware.." he mumbled.

He was now in his room gazing around the room at the various objects and instruments in front of him. He picked them up and examined them.

"Hey Niki! What's this-" silence.

Oh...that's right...

with Niki gone Tommy felt like he lost a part of himself. Even if she was gone for a few day or hours even, it felt like centuries to him.

He thought back to the pinkie promise he made to her. For some reason it seemed awfully familiar.

TW: Here it comes

Tommy walked down the streets of the so-called black market known as Pogtopia,
An underground market that thieves like him use to sell illegal objects and junk.

There was always something interesting.

There were healing potions, ender pearls, precious jewels, and if you're lucky, a mobs head.

As Tommy was walking down the underground city, grunts could be heard coming behind him. He saw two men pulling along a stranger.

His face was hidden from view as the guards shoved him to keep moving. He was incredibly small though and what Tommy saw enraged him.

He could tell that it was a little boy.

He was in wooden cuff and attached to the cuffs, was a piece of rope use to drag him. Tommy could not believe the sight in front of him.

He decided to follow the two men and eventually saw them setting up their shop.

The little boy was quietly sitting in a chair, his body shaking with fear. Tommy knew that he couldn't stand by and began thinking of a plan.

He saw that the two men were finally done setting up and he saw all kinds of animals being sold.

The worst part, the boy was also on sale.
They sold him like a worthless object and it enraged Tommy.

He saw how nervous the little boy was and yet, people ignored his cries of help. They just scurried past him.

Tommy looked closer at the boy and saw an amazing feature about him. He was a hybrid.

Tommy looked closer at all the other animals. He saw another boy. He was also a hybrid too.

Tommy knew that he needed to get both of them out of there. The question was how?

He thought of a plan soon enough and executed it.

First he sneaked towards a pen full of mooshrooms and stood near the gate. When the men turned around, he unlatched the door and the mooshroom ran wild.

They ran around Pogtopia and frightened many buyers and people who were selling nearby. Tommy snickered as he saw the men's distressed faces.

He quickly walked over to them and pretended to bump into them. He reached into pockets and made sure they couldn't feel his hand squirming about in their pants.

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