A/N yay another update, thank you all for the support recently and as always I hope you enjoy the chapter!
After calming down the gang Nightmare finally managed to get them to figure out who would go first. The order was decided to be Dust, Killer, Cross, Horror and then Nightmare. Mostly because Nightmare needed all of his team members to know whose boss. And what better way to do that than beating them in a fight. Killer, Cross, and Horror all sat in the lawn chairs while Nightmare stood to the side as Dust and Error got ready.
Error staying in his usual hunched over position. where as Dust was standing straight up. Both were waiting for the other to make the first move, it was always a test of patience in the beginning. But Error had been waiting years for his freedom and he won't stop waiting now.
Eventually Dust made a move teleporting in front of Error trying to slash at him with his knife. Error dodged and sent a bone towards Dust. Dust dodged the bone as it flew past his skull and imbedded itself into the wall. Dust summoned a gaster blaster behind Error successfully singing Error's scarf. Error saw this and seemed annoyed summoning a bone and teleporting close to Dust to engage in close combat. Error attacked Dust keeping him on the run while Dust had to back up until he was up against the wall. Error stabbed the sleeve of Dust's jacket and grabbing the bone from before from the wall pinning Dust. Error teleported back and summoned a gaster blaster with both hands behind his back. Dust however teleported away from the blast and behind Error, but Error was ready. Grabbing Dust in his strings and throwing him across the arena. Dust skidded across the dirt coming to halt coughing out marrow. "Ok ok!" Dust said with a cough "you win!" he yelled across the arena. Dust walked back over to the stands where Horror supported him.
"Dust... hurt?" he said "I'll be fine Horror," Dust said. "Killer your next!" Nightmare said. Killer stood up and walked over to the arena where Error stood across from him grabbing a new scarf out of a portal. Killer stood on the other side figuring that it was better to keep Error on the defensive and make the first move. He begun by sending knives at Error, but Error teleported away summoning a sharp bone above his head latching his strings onto it and flung it towards Killer. The target souled skeleton just barely registered the bone due to it's increased speed. Killer summoned more knife projectiles raining them down from the sky. Error looked up and latched onto them with his strings and teleporting behind killer forcing said skeleton to teleport due to the knifes homing nature. Error dug the knife into the ground. Killer summoned a bone barrage to send at Error while blasting at him from behind. Error seemingly distracted with the bones didn't register the blasters behind him and got hit. ruining his scarf for the second time. He grumbled sending his strings at Killer grabbing Killer's soul and bringing him closer to the gaster blaster blast forcing KIller to unsummon it to keep himself from being hit by his own attack. Yet it was not enough as Error threw him in the sky grabbing the knife from before and throwing it towards KIller with strings hitting KIller in the arm. Killer fell to the ground with a crack. KIller tried getting up but fell to the ground. Error tied up Killer and gently put him next to Dust who was being healed by Horror at the moment. Horror seeing Killer's condition asked Dust if he was fine by himself which he got a nod for. Horror seeing this switched his focus on Killer.
Nightmare seeing the damage Error caused to Killer was curious to as what would happen with Error against his best fighter, Cross. "Cross you're up" he said. Cross nodded and teleported onto the arena. He sent a bone at Error forcing him to move. Error following exactly what Cross wanted teleported into the air landing on a gaster blaster sanding a bone attack towards Cross. Cross seeing this instead of dodging reflected it with his knife sending it into the dirt beside him. The force of the impact had caused Cross to lose his balance and fall over, giving Error an opportunity. Error sent a barrage of blue bones at Cross Cross seeing this had to stay still as to not get hit but since Cross had to stay still Error summoned a gaster blaster and fired at Cross. Cross held up his knife reflecting the blast disintegrating the blaster Error was on causing him to fall. As Error was falling Cross teleported up and sent Error into the ground. Error grunted and saw Cross coming down with his knife. Error grabbed the bone Cross deflected with his strings and hitting Cross away and grabbing him with strings and like Dust, threw him. But instead of across the arena, straight into the mansion. Cross fell to the ground and passed out. Nightmare seeing this knew that Horror had to heal them or else they could have permanent injuries.
"I am calling an hour long recess so that Horror may heal Dust, Killer and Cross!" Nightmare called out Error and Horror nodded at this information and teleported the cots into the infirmary. "And you," Nightmare said pointing at Error "Are coming with me," he said. Nightmare turned around and walked into the mansion with Error following.
Nightmare walked to the throne room and sat down on his throne facing Error. Error looked at Nightmare in curiosity. One of Nightmares tentacles reached into a portal pulling out a foldup chair and placing it in front of Error. Error scoffed at this and blasted it replacing it with a his bean bag. Nightmare's eye twitched at this but nothing more as he saw Error with a cocky smirk. "I wanted to talk to you about your upcoming fight with Horror" Nightmare said. "WhAT oF iT?" Error asked "Just take it easy on him," Nightmare replied. "He's our weakest fighter but he's essential due to him being our main healer," Nightmare explained. "AlRIgHt'" Error said nonchalantly as if he hadn't just beaten all of Nightmares kid- teammates. "One more thing," Nightmare continued, "Where are you from?" he asked. Error smirked again "WaNnA SEe?" he asked to which Nightmare nodded. Error opened a portal beneath himself as well and fell through along with the bean bag.
Where they landed was not what Nightmare was expecting. On the other side of the portal was white. Nothing but white and a blue beanbag on the floor with a glitching skeleton on top of it. "Nice place" Nightmare said jokingly mimicking Error's statement about the mansion. "SHhHHh" Error said, "YoU'Ll wAKe thEm" he said. "Wake who?" Nightmare said puzzled as he saw nothing around them. Error pointed up and what Nightmare saw shocked him more than the whiteness. above him were human souls!
There were mostly red and orange ones but there were some other colors as well. Nightmare looked down and pointed his tentacles at Error "how do you have these?" he asked. Once again Error just gave him a "shHhHH" and pointed up. "Tell me how you have these or this goes off," he threatens summoning a gaster blaster pointing it at Error. "YoU REalLy Want tO kNOw?" Error asked with a sigh. Nightmare's answer was a sharper glare. Error sighed and sent off his own gaster blaster on the ground. immediately there was a screech loud enough to make a dog go deaf. "Murderer!" they began saying, "Monster!", "Mistake!" and "Wretched being" rang through the void. Nightmare covered his ears (ears??????) with his tentacles as to keep the noise out. "WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY SAYING THAT!" Nightmare yelled over the voices.
Error sighed and teleported them to FlowerFell#4597. Nightmare looked around and saw everything going on as normal. That was until Error's strings covered the ground. The strings seemingly with minds of their own killed monsters left right and center. Breaking through windows, digging you name it the strings would do anything to find their prey. As the screams quieted and the dust settled Error teleported them out of the ruins and into snowdin where the same thing happened. The sans looked at Error and gave him a weak "thank you" before dusting. Error watched the dust of sans settle and moved on to waterfall.
he continued this until the made it to the barrier. Error broke the barrier with ease and once on the surface killed all of the humans in the city at the foot of the mountain. The people screamed, they shouted for their loved ones and children, kids cried for their parents when nobody came, Error didn't care. He had seen this many a time and now he feels nothing. Nightmare however has not, and at the sight of this you could see the shock in his eyes. "why?" he asked as Error pressed a button and the world began to crumble.
"It'S mY JoB" he answered summoning a gaster blaster and pulling himself and Nightmare on top. He held Nightmares hand due to how fast he would fly around. Error flew around the AU searching for monsters the strings had missed. The few that he did find the strings picked off. "BEtTeR leAVe beFOrE reAPeR GEtS heRE" Error says remembering all the times Reaper would get there and fight him. Of course Error couldn't be killed by the god of death but that scythe packed a punch.
With that he teleported them back to the void of white. "What in the fuck was that?" Nightmare asked in disbelief. "My JOb," Error answered sitting back down on his beanbag. "What exactly is your job?" Nightmare continued, "DeSTroYeR oF wORldS, THe DesTRoYeR aNd WoRLd EnDEr ArE SoME Of mY TitLEs" Error said. Nightmare now realized who he was dealing with, this information both excited and worried him. it excited him since he had the destroyer of worlds on his side but he also realized that Error could potentially overpower him, and that was what worried him. If his teammates saw he was weaker than Error they would most likely switch allegiances. Nightmare just had to stay on Error's good side so that that would never happen.
Teleporting back to the mansion they saw that Horror was done healing the gang. Nightmare Error and the gang all walked back to the arena where Error and Horror stood while the other 4 watched. Horror didn't fight much but he wasn't completely inept when it came to it. Horror sent the first attack in the form of a gaster blaster. The blaster moved towards Error but instead of stopping to fire it tried to ram into him. Of course Error teleported away but the blaster turned back and blasted at him. Error unable to dodge normally due to being in the air blocked with a bone wall. Error now sent his first attack being blue bones and orange bones in different patterns. mid way through sending some of the bones towards Horror though he switched the bone colors. Horror saw this and knowing he couldn't dodge them deflected them with his axe but a few got through and hit him. Horror seeing this activated his healing magic and healed his bones. Error was impressed by Horrors healing magic and decided to take it up a notch. he sent bones towards Horror but also at the same time going in with close combat. This forced Horror to both dodge bones while also blocking Error's sharp bone. Horror was unable to do both at the same time causing quite a few bones to hit him. Horror focused more on blocking from Error knowing that if Error got a hit in it was game over. Error summoned a mini gaster blaster behind Horror hitting his arm. Horror no longer being able to use both hands on his axe had to run but Error was faster. With one swift movement Horror was pinned to the floor and Error had won.
Horror got up and walked back over to where Dust, Killer and Cross had watched and sat down. Nightmare sighed and stood up and walked over to the arena. Both he and Error stood facing each other. Nightmare sent one of his tentacles forward seemingly going to connect with Error but at the last moment Error opened a portal causing Nightmares tentacle to stab itself. Nightmare hissed at this summoning goopy bones sending them forward. Error tried dodging the bone but Nightmare's had a special ability that allowed them to send smaller tentacles out and grab onto things, this exact thing had just happened to Error and he had been hit with a few of the bones. Now it was Error's time to hiss sending his own bones towards Nightmare. Nightmare however saw that they were not on a path to hit him and simply didn't dodge. However what Nightmare didn't see were the one sided portals that led right behind him. The bones went through the portal pining three of Nightmares four tentacles. Nightmare saw this and unsummoned the three pinned and put all of his power into the fourth one. This gave Nightmare a boost in attack and speed with that tentacle. Nightmare sent it forward and hit Error's leg. Error grabbed Nightmares tentacle and dragged him closer holding a sharp bone. Nightmare summoned his other three tentacles shrinking the other one letting him get out of Error's grasp. Error summoned a gaster blaster above Nightmare causing him to jump out of the way and into the blue bones behind him. Nightmare grunted at the damage caused by the blue bones. he summoned a blaster circle facing towards Error and fired. Error jumped up and grabbed the blasters with strings directing them back towards Nightmare. Nightmare unsummoned the blasters as to not hit himself but the real reason Error did that was to hide him teleporting behind Nightmare and stabbing Nightmares tentacle. Nightmare again hissed and lifted himself in the air giving him the high ground and engaged in close combat with Error.
Error was at a disadvantage due to Nightmare having the high ground but still put up a fight. Nightmare also had the advantage because he managed to only stand on two tentacles and could use one of his tentacles to attack as well. Error seeing this was a losing battle at the moment grabbed Nightmares attacking tentacle pulling Nightmare towards him. Nightmare felt this and saw his face was about half a foot away from Error's and got flustered which let Error get an attack in sending Nightmare about ten meters away. Nightmare steadied himself with his tentacles and hit Error with everything he has. A bone wall all around Error appeared and blasters from all sides with Nightmare on top of a blaster in the middle. Error had to admit this was a good attack but it had one critical flaw. All Error had to do was send a bone upward and would get a direct hit on Nightmare. He summoned the bone wrapping his strings around it and sending it upwards. Nightmares platform suddenly shattered the bone just barely missing him, he began falling and his eyelight narrowed. Nightmare had already sent off the blasters and he knew he wouldn't survive this. He closed his eyes preparing for the pain but nothing came. He opened his eyes and saw he was outside of the bone circle yet Error was no where to be found. he unsummoned the gaster blasters and bones and saw that Error was standing in the middle looking around confused. "PRetTy gOOd NIghTMarE" Error said before walking back to the mansion. They all watched as Error walked towards the mansion before Dust spoke up, "damn nice find Nightmare" he said with a smirk. Nightmare then proceeded to throw him across the arena for the second time that day while every one laughed.
A/N and thus the chapter ends. I was craving some errormare so boom errormare, if you don't like fek you my story >:(
Anyways this again is the longest chapter yet at 2909 words. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also the next chapter will probably take a little longer since I went back to chapter 1 and I didn't like how the chapter was compared to how it's gone. So I'm planning on rewriting that so it will probably be a little while until chapter 7 but until then make sure to check on chapter 1 to see when it's rewritten. I will put rewritten next to it's name once it's done. The reason I don't like it is because it in my opinion makes Error too soft and emotional. I know some people like Error like that as someone who gets emotional easily and is soft but I don't think of him that way. The guy ends worlds and I just don't see someone who kills millions as someone to get choked up at a papyrus like he does in chapter 1. So I that's why I'm deciding to rewrite it. anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and make sure to comment any constructive criticism you have.
*Drunk Nightmare has left the chatroom*
Errors in Dreamtale
Fanfictionwhat happens when Error finds the destroyed Dreamtale years after the apple incident? how will Nightmare react to seeing his brother again?