Chapter 1

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"Be careful, Al," Ben said and just then did a thought occur to him,"Hey, maybe K-unit will be the lucky unit assigned for your protection". Ben did not know how right he was." Lucky? I doubt it. And, I don't really count on it. The last time we were together, we were not in the best of terms," Alex said. But who knows? They might have changed and be nicer. After all , this Ben is very different from the one I met at training, Alex thought. He was brought out of his thoughts by Ben." Aww... It was not that bad! Anyway, hopefully, I'll be back in less than 2 weeks. This mission is quite simple, you know?"

Alex knew it was not that simple. Ben had to investigate a man, befriend him to get close to him. If he found evidence that the man was selling out state secrets, he would arrest him and come back. Alex stayed quiet,though. "There is a little chance that he is innocent, but somehow, I doubt it," Ben said. The latter patted Alex on the back. "I better get going!" With that, Ben was gone. Alex returned to his room, sat down legs crossed on the bed, his back against the wall and his book in his lap. He was not reading the book, though. His thoughts drifted to the note that had been delivered to the Royal and General. He clearly remembered it's contents. It said:




And of course, on the piece of paper was a silver scorpion. Alex fell asleep in the same position.


"Eagle, shut up," Wolf said, glaring at Eagle. "But Wolf, we're going to meet MI6's best agent."

The whole unit was in the car, Shark in the driver's seat, driving, Wolf in the passengers seat, and Eagle and Snake in the back seat." For goodness' sake, Eagle. Just.Shut.Up." Eagle quickly shut up at Wolf's famous death glare and looked out the window. The unit had passed the previous night reading Alex's file and as Mr. Blunt had said, they didn't get much information on him. Only his name, physical description, number and names of missions he went on were given. As for his medical history, it only said that the various injuries acquired had all already been treated, much to Snake, the unit medic's dismay.

What K-unit did not expect when they reached the house in Chelsea, was to be greeted by such a young man, who in their opinion seemed to be about twenty. K-unit also noticed that his eyes seemed to have seen too much. "Alex Rider?" Wolf asked. "It's me," Alex simply replied. His voice sounds younger than his appearance, Wolf thought. "I'm Wolf, the unit leader. Snake, unit medic. Eagle, our shooting expert and Shark is our linguist," he said, gesturing to each member of his team respectively. They don't recognise me, apparently, Alex thought, amused, let's play along , then. He smiled, stood aside, opened the door wider and gestured for the unit to come in the house. He then made them visit the house and showed them their rooms. When K-unit returned after putting their bags in the rooms, they joined Alex in the living room. "Two of us will be checking the perimeter every one hour or so," Wolf started, " and you must inform us when you leave so that we accompany you."
" 'Kay. I'll be in my room." With that, Alex left.

"He's nice!" Eagle commented.

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