Chapter 15

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It's been WAY to long, sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been incredibly busy and now that I'm off for spring break I can actually write again.


Everyone decided that they were tired of swimming and we all went back up the room to change before going out to eat. We all decided on the Spaghetti Warehouse. Which is basically a big restaurant that has a bunch of Italian food.

Carter, Matt, and I go back to our room while the rest of the guys go to theirs.

"So we have to dress sorta nice right?" Carter asks while pulling out his suitcase.

"Yeah it's like a casual nice if that makes any sense." Matt says causing me to laugh a little.

"What are you laughing at?" Matt asks while looking at me with a smile.

"You. Now I'm going to take a shower." I say while grabbing everything I need out of my suitcase and taking it into the bathroom with me.

I start the water and quickly get in as soon as it heats up to wash the chlorine out of my hair from the pool.

As soon as I'm done in the shower I shut the water off and step out of the shower instantly wrapping a towel around my body.

I change into the clothes that I brought with me which is a floral skirt that comes to about mid thigh, and a white tank top, and slide on some brown sandals.

The outfit is actually really cute. I heat up my curling wand to do my hair with, while waiting I start my makeup creating the smokey eye effect.

Finally the wand is heated up and I create loose curls that fall down perfectly on my back.

Turning to the full length mirror that's hanging on the door I smile at my appearance because damn I look good.

I open the door to see Matt and Carter laying on the beds dressed and ready to go.

"You were taking to long so we showered in another room." Matt says looking up from his phone.

''Yeah, but now I see what took so long, you look beautiful." Carter says with a small smile.

I can feel my cheeks heat up and I just look at the ground saying a quick thank you.

Within a a couple of minutes there was a knock on the door and the rest of the boys walked in but Gilinsky was in front.

"Hey we're about to le-" Jack started to say but stopped when he looked at me.

"Wow you look great." He says leaning against the door frame.

My cheeks got even redder that time because I mean it's Jack freaking Gilinsky have you seen him?

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"Lets go I'm hungry." Matt says while rolling his eyes and walking out of the room.

Everyone just nodded and followed him outside to the car.

I tried to catch up with Matt because I knew he was upset but I have no idea why.

"Matt what's wrong?" I say while grabbing his arm.

He immediately jerked his arm out of my grasp and continued walking.

In the car I sat in between Nash and Johnson.

I put my headphones into my ears and listened to Chains by Nick Jonas.

I couldn't help but hum along and occasionally sing along to the song.

My right headphone was taking out, and I turn to see Johnson looking at me.

"Do you sing?" He asks with a smile.

"Yeah sometimes, but not to much." I say shyly.

"Whatever you sound like a good singer we should try to do a duet one day. "Shawn says from across the car.

I smile up at him and say "Maybe one day."

"Hey I was gonna say that!" Johnson playfully yells at Shawn.

"We're here." Bart says.

We all step out of the car and walk into the restaurant.

I stand there next to Nash talking about random things when I feel someone staring at me.

I turn around to see a worker just starting at me from the other side of the restaurant. I start to shift uncontrollably, which causes Nash to notice.

"What's the matter?" He asks looking at me.

"That worker over there is stairing at me. He has been for awhile now." I say quietly while pointing him out to Nash.

"He's probably just stunned by how pretty you are." He says with a smile.

"Thanks Nash" I say nudging him.

We finally get seated and I'm sitting between Cameron and Nash.

As we wait for the waiter to get our drink orders the creepy worker starts walking over towards us.

"Nash he's coming over here." I say trying to hide my face.

"Who is?" Cameron asks obviously hearing what I said to Nash.

"That worker coming over here, he's been staring at me since we walked in." I explain to Cameron.

"He's creepy." Cameron laughs.

I couldn't help but laugh along his laugh is so cute.

"Excuse me ma'am." I hear as I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Oh no. Oh god no.

I turn around to the creepy worker standing behind me.

"Yes?" I say trying to be polite.

" You're very beautiful." He says coming closer.

"Thank you." I say scooting away a little more.

" I'd love to take you out sometime. Can I have your number?" He asks while placing a hand on my upper back.

I felt someone grab my hand and speak up and say "Bro she's taken back off."

I look up to see Cameron is the one holding my hand.

"Let the lady speak for herself." The worker says back to Cameron.

"I will not hesitate to beat your ass right now if you don't leave my girl alone." Cameron shoots back.

"Whatever man." The worker says while rolling his eyes.

"Thank you." I say looking up at Cameron.

"No problem." He smiled down at me.

I look down at our hands that are still intertwined and smile, as he does the same.

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