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Azura POV


Ever heard the saying,  "No one is perfect."

I grew up with those words engraved into my brain.

My parents always taught me to always just be who I am no matter what because even if I fake a personality, I wouldn't be perfect.

But now that they're gone, I have nobody to remind me. Of course I still stick to what they say but I just wish they were here to tell me. So I could talk to them about my rights and my wrongs. I wish I could hold them one last time. Oh what I would do to hear my parents voices just once more.

I always saw my parents as perfect but they always said, "Mija, there's lots of things about us that you don't know. Things we don't want you to know. We aren't perfect, you aren't perfect, no one is perfect. Okay?" I would always just nod. Never asked them what it was they didn't want me to know because I didn't really care.

Now, I live in a two bedroom studio apartment with Paige. I work at a bakery not that far from my apartment. I didn't go to college because I didn't want to do anything big, I simply want to be a baker or a chef. Right now, I'm a baker.

Meanwhile, Loala and Nico are off at college and we rarely get to see or talk to them.

Nico and I actually started dating almost a year after my parents passed. We were together for 8 months before he left for college. We tried making the distance work but it was hard and we decided to take a "break" which really stands for just a regular break up.

He wanted to come back and find a college near me but I wouldn't let him.


"What if I look for a college to go to near you? I can be closer to you and my family and my home." -Nico

I grabbed his face and kissed him. He was home for winter break and was going back to school in 3 days.

"Nico, this has been your dream school since I don't even know when. I'm not going to let you abandon your dream just to be closer. I love you but that's not what you want." -Me

"Oh come on! It's not that deep, it's just a school Zuzu." -Nico

"No it's not Nico. You would be miserable if you had to leave your dream school. I know you." -Me

He sighed and sat up with his face in his palms and then ran his fingers through his hair. "We can still be friends right? I still want you in my life Zuzu." -Nico

"Of course you bum." -Me

End Of Flashback

We hung out with our friends Paige and Loala until both him and Loala went back to college. I haven't seen him since the last break they had.

It's already been a year since I've seen him. I didn't even have the balls to reach out to him after so many times of doing so and being ignored.


"Paige, is there anything you need from the store? I'm on my way to get the groceries and a few other things." -Me

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