Chapter Sixteen

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Once dressed, and semi dry, we all hurry to the large abandoned parking lot, right next to the beach. Confused, I just allow Zayn to lead me to where everyone else is heading. We go to the empty lot from earlier where few cars are now parked. Many crowd around them, the noise increasing as more drunks come.

Confused, I look to Zayn who looks a bit excited. "Wait, what's going on?"

He glances at me and tells me simply, "They're racing. Vinnie does this pretty often, he's got some talented friends. You also wouldn't believe the cars he owns either."

I nod and remain silent, only slightly interested. No matter how much I don't wish to watch them race, I tolerate it so Zayn can have fun at his friends party.

As the crowd grows in size, I keep close to Zayns side, not wanting to be separated from the only person I know. Liam and Marina left before we even got dressed. So with a clear view of the cars, and clinging to Zayn's arm, I watch curiously as Vinnie and a few other guys walk to the cars, joking around. Two of them carry beers in their hands, all of them laughing loudly. Finally, Vinnie starts to speak as they disperse to two vehicles parked nearby.

"Alright!" Vinnie shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth. The crowd quiets only a little to hear him better. He walks around the ground, still barefoot, turning around to face the party goers. "While Mark and Jared get ready to race, don't forget to place your bets! Kyle will be over there," he points to a tall, dark haired guy sitting at a table, "where he will handle the money!"

Small groups of people walk over to Kyle, excited to place their bets on the drivers. Both cars honk there horns, signaling to Vinnie that they're ready. He grins and quiets everyone. Pointing somewhere in the crowd near me, a tall, curvy girl walks out in only her bikini top and a pair of jean shorts. Vinnie hands her a piece of cloth and she walks to the front of the cars. The cheering increases once she faces them.

"Now!" Vinnie shouts. The noise decreases immediately, allowing him to lower his voice. "We all know the rules here and I expect them to be followed, got it? I don't want any cheating or any kind of trouble during this race. If the cops show again, we don't need another reason added for anyone to be arrested."

Raising my eyebrows in confusion and worry, I ask Zayn, "Wait, how often do the police come?"

He looks to me, before calmly stating, "Every now and then someone sends in complaints and busts us. Or they do a drive by, spotting us." Zayn chuckles giving me a smile before adding, "This part of the beach isn't exactly public property. Vinnie and I found it driving around about a year ago."

Nodding, I try not to panic too much at the chance of the police coming.

Vinnie turns to the girl and nods his head at her. She returns the gesture and raises the piece of cloth. Once the crowd is completely silent, the cars engines start. Looking to Zayn, he watches intensely, excited to watch the race. Focusing my attention back to the drivers, the girl raises her arms and the engines grow louder. And in a swift motion, she lowers her arms and the cars are off.

Cheers erupt everywhere and few people chase after the vehicles. They speed down the parking lot and onto the main road and soon are out of sight, hidden by trees. Zayn shouts in excitement and I laugh at his enthusiasm. He looks to me and grins.

"So who are you betting on?" I question as the crowd around us quickly scatters to different areas to watch the race.

Zayn purses his lips, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Hmm. My money's on Jared. Mark's pretty good, but I've seen Jared win countless times. It's gonna be a close one though." He informs me.

"Okay." I say, taking in his opinion. "So which one is Jared?"

"The taller one, in the black car. Marks in the blue one."

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