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Bold (B) = Tommy talking to Thompson in his mind.
Italic (I) = Thompson talkin to Tommy in Tommy's mind.

Narrator POV

Tommy had always had problems with mood swings. But only he knew why he had these problems. He had two souls merged into him, one was his own and his twins. He was adopdet by the SBI when he was 5, his parents were killed in front of him and his brother, but then a witch cursed him and his brother, so that his twin brother's soul left his body and was merged with Tommy's. Tommy can control his brother's soul and can hear and see everything his brother's soul sees when Tommy lets him in control. Sometimes Tommy just lets him free to do anything with his bday when he is too tired to be bothered by reality. Tommy and his brother had the best relationship, Phil wasn't the greatest father and was always busy with Techno. Techno was never one to interact with Tommy, the only person who really cared about him was Wilbur who also turned on him when Wilbur turned crazy. So the only person... or soul rather was his brother, his brother Thompson. No one knew about his merged his souls, not even his adopted family. Do you have any plans for today Toms? No, I don't. Besides being in exile isn't really the best thing. How about letting me in control? Just for a while. You know what? Sure, you can for today. Who are you and what have you done to my Tommy? I'm serious Thompson, I'm tired of this accursed world. Ok, when do you plan on having me control your body? Now, I want you to take control now. As you wish brother.

And so Thompson now was in control of Tommy's body, Tommy could both see and hear everything his bday was doing, he could still control his body if he wanted to. “Dream, hello! I have armour and materials for you.” said Tommy, he was quite happy. “Are you ok Tom?” asked Dream, he was questioning why Tommy was so happy to see him. “Yeah, what do you mean?” said Tommy, tilting his head in confusion while looking at dream with puppy dog eyes. “Right, also I have decided that you visit the entire smp today, since you have been so good.” Dream said smiling, which almost looked like a villainous grin. “That great, when can we go?” Tommy said smiling and hopping around with excitement. “Right now, do you want to go to the community house right now to meet everyone?” Dream said holding his hand out. “Yes please.” Tommy said while grabbing Dream's hand, Dream took the boy through the nether and into the overworld. They soon reached the community house and to their surprise everyone was already there, eager to meet him. Even Techno was there, “TOMMY!!” Tubbo said while engulfing Tommy into a hug. Tommy hugged back and after a solid minute they separated, Tubbo had tears in his eyes and kept on apologizing over and over. Most of them had the same reaction as Tubbo. “So Tommy how has exile been?” Techno asked. “It was as you expect it to be, quite lonely but Dream was there to keep me company.” said Tommy happy. “Is that so? If that is the case you wouldn't mind a gift from me now would you?” said Techno. “Sure, what is it?” said Tommy. “This potion, I'd like you to drink this right now.” said Techno handing out Tommy a bottle of pink coloured liquid. “Ok!” said Tommy, he took the potion and drank the entire bottle. Little did Tommy know that the potion he had just drunk was a truth potion. The people on the smp were worried about Tommy's mental and physical state, so Techno made Dream agree to this. He literally had to threaten Dream and make him do this at knife point. This behaviour from Dream had already made the others suspicious, so now to expell their thoughts they decided to make Tommy drink a truth potion. “So, Tommy how has exile been?” asked Techno again. “Well if you consider forcing to see your items get blown up in front of you and being lonely in exile great, then yes it has been great.” said Tommy. Everyone stood there in shock, Techno almost pulled out a netherite sword to kill Dream right on the spot,but was stopped by Phil as violence in this situation wouldn't be the best option here. “Tommy, I did great things for you too didn't I?” said Dream, motioning Tom to cut it out. “Shut up, your fucking voice makes me want to vomit my innards out, I have everything about you, I could kill you right now and paint the walls of my fucking house with your blood, I despise you dream. Trust me, you won't be alive for long, you have my word. And I never, NEVER stray away from my word. I will kill you Dream, it would be the most gruesome death that anyone will ever see in the entire history of the smp. People shall read about how you were foolish enough to anger me, and then you payed the price.” Tommy said all this while taking out a fully enchanted netherite axe at Dream's throat, he was ready to kill him. It was as if he had forgotten that the others were there. Everyone looked at scene in utter shock, they couldn't move, even the great blood God was speechless and unable to move. They soon snapped out of him and pulled Tommy back, Dream was frozen in both shock and fear. They saw Tommy's eyes turn red and soon a ghostly figure came out of Tommy's body, it looked as though Tommy's soul was leaving his body. Just the difference was, it wasn't his soul, it was his twin brother's. Thompson was now fully appearing as a different person, it was his soul in his own body. His twin had long blonde hair which was braided, he had ocean blue eyes just like Tommy's. The others were now in shock yet again, it seemed as though this day was getting weirder and weirder by the minute. “Thompson?” said Tommy with tears in his eyes. “Tommy?” said Thompson with tears in his eyes as well. They both hugged for a good 5 minutes until they separated. “Who's he?” said Tubbo, in utter shock.

1080 words
Part 2 coming soon.

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