42. I won't imprint on you!!

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Bonus coz it's Kitty's Birthday. 

Happy Birthday, Kitty <333


Although Taehyung didn't get to break the bed like he wanted to, he succeeded in breaking it into pieces as they neared the next full moon. 

Jimin, Yoongi, and Seokjin didn't care that Taehyung was their Alpha. They had barged into their room and thrashed him for ruining their sleep that night. 

Nonetheless, they had helped him buy a new bed the next day. Taehyung and Jeongguk pushed their beds up together and made it a single bed like they had seen in the rooms of the rest of them. 

They slowly got back to living normally and laughing without their lips having to fall back at the thought of Namjoon.

Instead of becoming all silent at the mention of his name, they started bringing him up voluntarily in their conversations. They began to talk about him more naturally. They began to cherish his memory for real. 

Seokjin decided not to pursue someone else for a while. "Maybe after a few years. Just not now," was what he had firmly said when Yoongi brought it up during dinner one night. They decided to respect his decision. He and Namjoon had loved each other like crazy, after all. 

Taehyung and Jeongguk didn't think they could like each other more than how much they already liked each other, but Jeongguk was obviously wrong. While Taehyung was someone he liked like crazy, he was someone who put the stars up in the sky to Taehyung. 

"Just wait until you imprint back on me to understand what it feels like, baby" was what Taehyung had said when Jeongguk brought it up once. 

The two of them went on more dates than the number of days in a month. It was like there was no tomorrow. 

Well, if there was one thing that they had learned in their life for sure, it was that being werewolves, their time on earth could never be taken for granted. 

When Jimin and Seokjin had brought up killing Dahyun and Jihyo's family to be on the safe side, Taehyung had stamped the topic down right away. 

"They were doing their duty, hyung. We do our duty and stay as hidden as possible. For now, all we can hope is that the two of them did not discuss details about us with anyone else. Also, we don't even know how many hunters there are in our country. How many will you go and kill? Today Dahyun and Jihyo, tomorrow someone else. 

We just have to be careful and hide better. We thankfully don't have any more upcoming werewolves. We don't have to worry about them noticing the sudden body change. Let's just secure our basement and house better and hope they don't find us. 

We can't go on and kill everyone. If we do that, how will we be any different from them? We will be proving their point of us being monsters that don't deserve to live on earth. We should live differently and try to show them that we are different," he had said. 

Yoongi, Jimin, and Seokjin had stared openmouthed at him for almost a whole minute before Yoongi suddenly burst into tears. 

"Looks like he passed his wisdom on to his next Alpha," he had said as he tried to stop the traitorous tears from escaping his eyes. 

As the next full moon neared, Taehyung couldn't help but keep showering his imprint with proud smiles. Just a few more days and his imprint would imprint back on him. Then he wouldn't have any worry in his life anymore. 

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