Everybody Wants to Kill Emma

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Set to "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Lorde. Thanks to @TheOncerGamer for the song suggestion. This was really fun! Any more song suggestions? Let me know!

Welcome to you life
That's what Henry said
She thought she gave him up
But he found her
He told her she was the saviour
Emma Swan, I need a favour
Now everybody wants to kill Emma

Regina was first
Then she broke the curse
Then Cora really tried
Tamara and Greg came after
Pan took Henry
Zelena almost killed her brother

Everybody wants to kill Emma

Emma and her family fight them
Killian had become one of them too
Regina is redeemed now
Belle is one of them too now
They have several new pals

But still everybody wants to kill Emma

Everybody wants Emma Swan dead

Everybody wants her family


To die...

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