Beginings - Chapter 1

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I could hear the distant chattering foot steps of the maids running up the stairs and down the halls. Probably running for the demands of the queen. The queen who would always make any person's day longer. Including her only daughter, first heir to the Hampton bloodline. Me. So in bed each morning leaving me to dread the day.

I was shortly brought out of my day dream by the lovely Miss Rose, my assigned maid. "Madam Alice? Your mother insisted that you get up today. I would love to let you sleep but I don't want to anger your mother..."

"It's ok Rose I understand" I said as I get out of bed with my silk dressing robe and started to get ready.

Once my corset and many skirts were cinched up I headed down stairs to the dining hall.

"Good morning daughter." My mother spoke, immediately disturbing my once almost happy morning.

I mean I can always try right?

"Morning mother." I said making a small curtsy and then swiftly taking a seat on the other side of the long table. Only to look down and stare grimly at the food that was sat before me.

"What's the matter, I had the staff prepare your favorite for breakfast!" Once again I am blamed as the killer for this peaceful morning. Why must there always be a scene.

"It's good food mother I unfortunately am just not hungry. May I be excused?" I asked

"No! You will eat your breakfast, no food is to go to waste! The staff worked hard!" She spoke louder by the minute. "And actually we have something to speak for this morning. We need to discuss your upcoming arranged marriage."

"Marriage!" I almost screamed with disbelief.

"Yes you will get married. You don't like being a princess so you will become a queen. And you will obey your king." The queen stated.

"King! No mother I will obey! Just please don't send me off to marriage! Please mom!" I cried, no use to be expected. Typical.

"You already have had time to be a child, now it is time to be wed and it has to be someone that doesn't care about your... issues..." The queen said quietly. "What man will love you if you can be the man and the woman of the family? And don't remind me by saying you were born that way, I know but some days we have to suck it up and become what we hate. In your case the perfect wife."

That was it.

I threw down my napkin and swiftly got up and walked out of the room to annoyed to say anything further.

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