Here I am again. At the large mansion, east of the suburbs. It looks the same as it did back in the early summer, water fountain in the middle of the parking lot, just past the gate, flowerbeds, and tall bushes lining the cobblestone pathway. And, of course, the humongous, victorian house.
Though the appearance hasn't changed, the vibe is significantly different. It was bright and happy, but now it's all gloomy.
The sun's shining brightly in a cloudless sky. It's like it didn't get the message that today isn't the day for that.
Just by looking at him, I can tell Sato feels the same way. Like everything is wrong. Like the perfect answer to the equation no longer exists.
On the way here, Sato didn't say anything. A six-hour train ride and a 30-minute bus drive and nothing. He completely shut down. I can't blame him. I don't really know what to say either, nor do I feel like talking.
I was apprehensive about coming here at first, because I didn't know Chiyo that well, but Sato insisted I tag along.
Flashback, Last night:
It's been a day since we got the news about Chiyo's death. Everyone in the dorm hall has been really down, including me. I still can't believe she's gone, and we'll never be able to see her again.
Hanako's out on a date with Kaito, hopefully having more fun than the rest of us. I'm in my dorm room alone, staring at my open statistics textbook. I can't bring myself to read anything or do any of the exercises. It's like it's written in a completely different language.
As I struggle to focus, I hear a soft knock come from the door. I sigh, closing the book that I should know like the back of my hand, and getting up from my uncomfortable office chair.
When I open the door, I'm met with Sato, decked out in a hoodie and sweats, his hair a frazzled mess, and dark bags under his eyes. If Akira could see him now, he'd be beyond disappointed.
I don't say anything, only look up at his lifeless brown eyes with concern, gripping on the door way too hard.
"I'm leaving soon," he says with no emotion.
I try to say something, anything, but my mind's blank, and no words form in my mouth. All I can do is continue gazing into his eyes.
"Come with me."
"My mom's funeral. She liked you. I think you should go," Sato says, hands balled into fists as he steps closer to me.
My eyes widen, and my mouth moves faster than my brain, "Okay," I say, almost in a whisper, but he hears me clear as day.
"Get a couple of days worth of clothes packed, and we'll head out when you're ready," Sato says, walking towards the commons with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
I watch his retreating figure for quite some time before going back into my room. Seeing Sato so sad makes my heart feel like it's being ripped in half by the very walls that confine it.
End of Flashback:
I walk behind Sato as he leads the way across the path and up the stairs leading to the entrance.
He opens the door with his key, holding it open for me.
The interior looks the same too.
Sato walks ahead, leading me to the large kitchen area that Ayame brutalized the weekend we came over.
When we walk through the door, two boys are leaning against the white counters. Talking with each other.

Scars || T. Oikawa Spin-off
FanfictionYou were a beacon of light. One that gave me strength. You called me your best friend, so in turn, I called you that as well. We really were inseparable. It was us against the world. Nothing could touch me when you were by my side. But now you'r...