Mike's Story

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Past Time.

300 years ago Mike  Zacharias joined the survey corps. 

He was a talented solder, always obeying orders, never questioned his supiorers and extremly loyal. 

He became freinds with a high ranking solder and reseracher, some would say she was commanders second hand in charge, despite her scary reputation. He found her quirky personality, quite endeering. Hange-

Current time. 

"Hange?" Levi asked, suprised "But don't people still reconise you? You haven't aged" 

 Hange looked sad as she said "We move on, every 15 years, sometimes 20, thats usaully when people start to notice we are not aging, then we wait for quite a few years, around 40 or 50 to come back."

Levi nodded, that made sence, though he couldn't stop the sincing feeling in his stomach.

Past Time

Hange and Mike formed a strong bond over time. He was in her sqaud, however he had heard that the commander Erwin Smith was thinking about promoting him to a Captain, Mike wasn't sure how he felt about this but in-till then he would serve under Hange loyally and willingly. 

It happened on Mikes 31st mission after being in the Survey Corps for almost three years. He was in a vampire nest with Hange. 

Two of their squad had been killed. 

Hange was dancing around the vampires and killing them like it was nothing.

But then...everything changed. 

Hange didn't see it coming. 

None of her remaing squad did, apart from Mike... 

A vampire sprang at her from behind while she was fighting two others. 

No one had time to react, apart from Mike, he was closer to her and out of her squad the most talented and quickest

He didn't think... 

Just reacted...

Mike pushed Hange out of the way, she was to shocked to do anything about it. 

The vampire grabbed Mike instead of her and shoved its claw like hands into his chest, excrutinating pain spiked through his chest.

Mike cried out, his own screams echoing around the abandened building. 

Hange killed the vampire that had attacked Mike but he knew it was to late.

Everything was going blurry. 

Mike noted hazedly, that Hanges last squad member Kiren was in the middle of being killed but Hange didn't try and rescue him, all her focus was on Mike. 

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" Hange cried, dropping to her knees in front of him. 

Mike wanted to point out what a stupid question that was but all he could focus on was the pain. 

"You idiot, you complete and utter idiot, you didn't need to-" She mumbled, her eyes tearing up. 

Mike choked out though despite his bleak situation jokingly "Oh, w-whats this? I-I didn't know you cared so much" 

"This isn't a time for jokes!" Hange hissed. 

Mike gave her a waterly smile, death was coming for him he knew... 

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