- IMPORTANT- cleanse before any sort of spell or ritual
- Smudging cleaning; rosemary, lavender, light sage or sweet grass, allow it to burn for a few seconds then blow out the flame. This should leave a smoke. Go clockwise around room (start at door) and gently wave the smoke in the air. Make sure to do every corner, in the cupboard etc.
- You can also sprinkle consecrated sea salt here and there (how to consecrate salt: get your salt, a bowl (not plastic), clean up the space your working in, make sure you are quiet and/or undisturbed, pour the salt into the bowl, meditate and get yourself into a positive and relaxed state, place your fingers into the salt and imagine light going through your finger tips into the salt as you say "Salt, I purify and consecrate you, and remove all impurities and inequities. Only good remains. I dedicate you as an agent and tool of healing and purification. Salt, I bless you, and infuse you with the loving, healing light of the Divine." Until you feel a positive energy click. Take your salt outside to gain sunlight and moonlight energy. Done!)
- Cleanse your jar before you do any sort of jar spells (more on that later). The best ways are cleansing are burning stick of incense into the jar and waving it around (clockwise= positive energy, anti-clockwise= negative energy), doing the same with a burning match or a bay leave.
- If you own pets, make sure you do not use a smudging technique to cleanse as it can be bad for them. Spraying cleansing oils would be a better option!
- Oil cleansing! Oil all together is an amazing tool in witchcraft, as you can use it in spells, rub it on your skin, cook with it, make moon water, give it an intention or use it as a spray in your space.
- Sound cleansing; using something as simple as silver bell the cleanse your space
Research to Witchcraft for baby witches
General FictionHey everyone! This book is basically my own book of shadows I'm sharing to help all my baby witches. Please ensure you know that you must continue researching after this book, as witchcraft is also about personal growth, and the knowledge you can ga...