I was in the middle of writing, it accidentally got published:(
Jeongguk's fingers absolutely ache- he'd been working on this #stolen project from min yoongi all afternoon, who didn't mind at all and complied to his wishes far too easily and it's already evening.
The strange thing is, for the first time in his whole career he's not enjoying the work. He can't find any sort of inspiration to carry on. He's been sitting there with opened file but can't find himself to read it with concentration, he has read the whole file in his mind but he's unable to understand a single word.
It's like he's run himself dry, and the thought of it scares him.
Right now, his mind is somewhere else, probably he had left it back in the house before leaving because the thoughts of certain someone is running on a loop in his mind, the thoughts of beautiful giggles and laughs shared with someone else other than himself, he's unable to wipe those heart stinging thoughts away.
He doesn't even know if he had blink in a past hour because now if he shuts his eyes, they burn every single time.
"Wao, I've totally enjoyed your misery for hours but now even I'm getting bored and I know the past me would never ask you this-" Yoongi says, plopping down in different position on his well-worn couch in his office, and sets down a cup of coffee on the table, "-are you okay jeon?"
The other just looks at him, "I'm fine," Jeongguk grunts, he looks down at his file again. Now that he has come back to his senses, he really can practically smell the caffeine in the air, and he knows, if he sets the file down on the table now, he won't be picking it up again.
"As much as I don't care, but You realize you're on hiatus, right? As in, not supposed to be working?" Jeongguk sighs, and he finally gives up for the evening.
He gets up and seats himself besides yoongi on thecouch, setting the file on the coffee table along with his cell and reaches out for the yoongi's cup in front of him, takes it without minding yoongi at all and finally tastes the bitter, dark liquid has never felt more welcome on his tongue.
"Woah, you're desperate." Yoongi snorts. "It's late. You should be in bed with your husband, considering you're . . .you know newlyweds? Or something, But you're here in my office, working my work for the past 6 hours, it shouldn't even bother me but looking at your face now is giving me creeps."
Jeongguk fixes Yoongi with a sharp glare, But Yoongi has been working under him for long enough that he's used to Jeongguk's attitude, and knows that he usually doesn't mean it. Usually.
"If I don't want lose my consistency, I have to work everyday. Even on break."
"If you want to be miserable for the rest of your life, yeah, keep working, But you're young, Jeongguk. This is supposed to be your chance to like- relax, for the first time since you've been a CEO," Yoongi says. "Go to your husband, make love and all and don't come to the office like forever if you can." Yoongi's cringes at his own words.
"Yeah, so that you can laze around freely?" Yoongi narrows his eyes at him, but Jeongguk just narrows his own in return.
Sometime yoongi wishes that Jeongguk would act like his age and throw a tantrum, or yell, or do something childish or doesn't care about his employees doing their work properly without mistakes or not,
But it's always cold hard facts.
Always working, Always thinking about how to do his best.
"Just-" Yoongi sighs, getting up from his seat. "Just go home, alright? You have a husband now, and he's new here. You shouldn't leave him alone for this long okay. You've someone to go now jeongguk," And you don't know how much I've prayed for that to happen.
The corner of Jeongguk's lips twitch up at that, and he nods once, before turning to pick up his file again, as if he even wants me there, jeongguk mentally scoffs.
Yoongi sighs again, knowing the conversation is over.
His other manager friends from other companies never even get to see their bosses for like months, who doesn't even care about their employee's not doing their work, But Jeongguk was never like that. The kid had a drive that Yoongi had never seen before, and it was almost frightening, if it wasn't so rewarding for the company and the people working under him.
They're afraid of him but they respect him as much, including yoongi, who'll never admit it loud to the younger. Never
Meanwhile jeongguk's cell phone chimes under the other files on the table, he pulls it out and boy if his face was giving creeps yoongi before, now it's on another level. Jeongguk drops the file with not so hidden frustration on the table and angrily types something on his screen, the force of the taps on the screen makes yoongi wonder if there're any scratches on the surface.
After that jeongguk abruptly stands up and goes for his coat and before leaving he turns around and looks at yoongi.
Moments pass, he doesn't say anything but when yoongi raises his eyebrow, he finally speaks, "Hey hyung?" Jeongguk asks as Yoongi face turns into a shocked question mark because jeongguk rarely drops honorifics, almost once in a blue moon and yoongi knows he's serious and he can't even find himself to mock jeongguk now.
Jeongguk looks oddly hesitant. "Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did."
Jeongguk makes a noise of exasperation. "You know what I mean."
Yoongi grins, "Ask away, since you're not being a bossy asshole." Jeongguk didn't even react at that and yoongi thinks, he's really desperate, he sighs.
"Do you. . .Am i. . .Do you think I suck? Like," Jeongguk scrambles to explain himself at Yoongi's amused expression. "Am I boring in real life than I seem like or-or I'm a difficult person to be around?"
Yoongi gapes at him, shocked (internally).
"Listen, kid. You're easy with the people you know and are close with, as much as I despise your boss persona, I don't think you suck, actually you're literally easier to be around more than me. So tell me, am I a difficult person to be around to you?" Jeongguk shakes his head because for him, yoongi's more like himself and he doesn't have to play pretend around him. So it's always easy to be around him.
"But wait. Did your dear husband told you that you're boring? That's why you're going for the 'hyung' card? If yes, then I don't about that he might be right." Yoongi says.
Jeongguk's ears are tinted pink. "No! I was just asking, h-he didn't say it himself." He even looks mildly embarrassed.
"Kid, you're fine. Don't go getting all insecure on me now, of all the times-"
"It was just a question, yoongi-ssi. Chill out."
"If anyone needs to chill out, it's you, bossy jeon." Jeongguk rolls his eyes as he opens the door to leave, one foot already in the hallway.
"It wasn't my husband by the way, it was Jimin and I'm gonna kill him for that."
When he leaves, yoongi gets up after him and shouts behind his back, "Jimin? Park jimin!? Come back jeon! You've not even done your goddamn work!" But jeongguk smirks instead, already half way to elevator when he shoos yoongi away with a raised waving hand in the air.
Yoonkook are lovelies tbh🤧

FanfictionHe will do it. "Fine! If that's the way you want. I'll do it, I'll marry Taehyung-" Huff some as Jeongguk Continues with finality in his voice "-I, Jeon Jeongguk, would like to claim the responsibility for Kim Taehyung and ask for his hand in mar...