~fucking long chapter but i kinda like it soo 1616 words also happy pride month :) i love and accept yall~
i woke up cracking my back not knowing what time it is because I have black out curtains blocking the sunlight. I went to check my phone, but to my surprise it was dead, 'I guess I forgot to charge it last night.' I plugged in my phone making sure it's actually charging this time, then going to take a shower.
After my shower I went back to my phone checking the time, noticing it was 1pm. If i wanted to i could go to the store, and come back in time to stream and show up to quackity's stream. 'Fuck it i can make it'
I grabbed my keys telling Boris bye before I left. As I was walking towards the lobby I bumped into a fairly short guy with brunette hair. As I passed him I made him drop his keys, and me being the nice person I am, I picked them up.
As I was about to hand him the keys it dawned on me that he looked fairly familiar. I took back my hand and held the keys still. "Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like I have seen you before?" He looked up at me and snached the keys away.
"No, I don't think you do. And it would be pretty weird if you did." he said before walking away. 'He was a little bit rude' I thought to myself. " eh fuck him i could care less i dont need that negative energy.
The trip to the store wasn't horrible, just a few people staring at me, I think even laughing? I don't know, and I don't want to think about that right now. By the time I got home it was 3pm, I would stream but I still have to clean for tomorrow. I will just switch my stream to tomorrow night when everyone is gone.
As I opened twitter I saw quackity tweeted out who was going to be in tonight's stream.
Quackity @quackityhq
Jack box streams later with Me, Marz, Karl, Sapnap, Dream, Bbh, George, Technoblade. Be there!!
User585 @user8262
wait we are getting marz and quackity content again 😳 yk this stream is going to be funny.I liked the tweet and the reply knowing when me and quackity were together in minecraft monday we were a mess. A good mess nonetheless, we were one of the funniest teams that day.
MarzMoonZ @marz
No stream today, but I will be on quackity's later so make sure you are there. Also maybe a late stream on thanksgiving :)~timeskip to about 30-45 minutes before the stream~
I sighed picking up Boris and laying him on my lap, opening the message of the discord link quackity sent me. Everyone was already in the call. I'm pretty sure they are talking about random shit. To say the least I am pretty nervous. I already know techno, and quackity but we haven't talked in a while. And everyone else I'm new to, what if they dont like me?
"Fuck bro now is not the time to be all nervous and shit" as i joined the call no one was taling or anything. Kind of awkward if you ask me. "Damm you all must really dislike me if you all stopped talking just because i joined" i joked a bit trying to break the silence.
"We don't hate you Y/N or at least I don't." techno said before anyone else "thank you techno i can always count on you to tell the truth." "yeah and no one hates you, they all just went to get stuff so they won't have to do it during the stream." Oh that makes sense. "Alright, I want to get a water bottle before anything."
I sat down putting my water bottle aside before getting Boris again. I just want Boris here for emotional support, just in case they dont like me and I won't be completely awkward. He will just be here to distract me from anything bad. As I put on the headset I heard quackity. "So is everyone here and ready?" After that a few yes and yups made their way out and me talking last.

worlds away~ dreamxmalereader
Fanfictionwhen Y/N or known as marz/marzmoonz on twitch finds himself in weird place at a family reunion that was held at his house.