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Redheadedaussie~ I'M NOT PREGNANT

Thewelshone~ ...

Thatcherjoe~ do you mean you don't have covid luv

Redheadedaussie~ it's more dramatic when I say that

Thatcherjoe~ ok...

Thewelshone~ Dianne are you doing okay...

Redheadedaussie~ nopeee

Thewelshone~ didn't think so

Otioti~ Di you on drugs

Bensfault~ Amy's meant to be the one on drugs

Thewelshone~ I am on drugs

Redheadedaussie~ I'm not

Thewelshone~ okay I believe you...

Redheadedaussie~ OK I BELIEVE YOU


Redheadedaussie~ it's a song

Thewelshone~ ok...

Redheadedaussie~ I still have a cold ACHOOO

Thewelshone~ ok dianne ok

Redheadedaussie~ I think I am actually on drugs

Thatcherjoe~ last drug you took was paracetamol

Redheadedaussie~ can that get me high

Thatcherjoe~ eh good question

Thewelshone~ if you take too much it might

Redheadedaussie~ oh ok I only took 2

Thewelshone~ so your just being dianne then

Redheadedaussie~ yeah I suppose

Thewelshone~ ✨special✨

Redheadedaussie~ yes

Otioti~ I'm curious

Thewelshone~ ...

Otioti~ see when you go to type whats the first word to come up for everyone?

Thewelshone~ BEN

Bensfault~ HI

Redheadedaussie~ JOE

Thatcherjoe~ NEE

Otioti~ good

Ilovealjaz~ ALI

Lubasinlove~ GIO

Giosinlove~ the

Gingerbreadman~ HI

Thatcherjoe~ running theme with the girls I see 😂

Otioti~ apart from me

Thewelshone~ pahaha mines BEN dianne's is JOE Janette's is ALI and lubas is GIO

Ilovefood~ mine if woof

Thewelshone~ mood

Ilovechickennuggets~ mines is no

Redheadedaussie~ Well that's depresso

Bensfault~ I'm supprised mine ain't chocolate tbf

Thewelshone~ 😂


Thewelshone~ you good-

Redheadedaussie~ NO I'M GOING BACK TO AUS

thewelshone~ YAYAYYYYY

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