11 - george's arrival

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holy shmoly macaroni thankyou for 74 reads - that is epic

Message to Dream :) :
George: boarding the plane now, will text when i land
Dream: okey dokey

Georges feelings for Dream had definitely not subsided, but he had grown less nervous at the prospect of meeting him in person. Now he was so close to it, he mainly felt pure excitement - he was about to see his best friends for the first time ever. Woah.

The plane ride was pretty boring. He didn't use his phone much, and didn't have a window seat so he could look out to all the little houses below. George slept for a lot of it, a lot of it was spent sitting. Sometimes thinking and sitting, sometimes just sitting.

He must have fallen asleep near the end though, because soon he was woken up by the bustling and rustling of other passengers, taking their hand luggage down from the carriers, and exiting the plane.

He walked out, stepping off the plane into the airport below. He was immediately hit by the humid air of florida, the air was hot, it wasn't easy to breathe like Britain's.

Message to Dream :) :
George: just arrived
Dream: coming to collect u now
George: how will i recognise you?

George had never seen Dreams face before. He had seen a picture of his eye zoomed in on a snap one day, a glimpse of his hair in a video from Sapnap, but nothing more. One night, he received a snap from Dream, but it was dark, and all that could be made out was the silhouette of a sharp jawline and some messy hair.

Dream: you'll know it's me

It hadn't occurred to George that this would be the first time seeing Dreams face. It was going to be very weird.

—————— Dream pov —————————-

"SAPNAPPPPPPPP KARLLLLL ALEXXXXXX" "GEORGE HAS LANDED" shouted Dream up the stairs at the three other boys.

An immediate rush of footsteps was heard, as the boys sprinted down to meet the blonde at the bottom of the stairs. When they got there, they all just sort of stood there looking at him, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get in the car!!" he said to them, and with that, the three scattered to clamber in the car, shouting excited remarks about George's arrival along the way.

The four boys didn't really talk along the journey, they just let Sapnap blast music through the aux and they happily jammed out to it.

Message from George <3:
George: at the baggage claim, come meet me
Dream: be there in a minute

"Guys George is at the baggage claim, let's go" said Dream, opening the car door to get out. When he realised no one was following, he leaned back through Sapnaps window "Hellooo? Anyone joining me?"

"No?" responded Karl
"Dream, you and George are meeting eachother for the first time ever, don't get me wrong, it's a big time for us too, but it's even more important for you" answered Sapnap, barely even looking up from his phone
"I don't understand you"
"Oh my god Dream you are so slow" chimed in Quackity "It's gonna be a special moment for you both and we don't wanna ruin it, now go away and meet him, we will just meet him when he gets to the car"

Dream stood stunned at his friends. I mean, it's exactly what he wanted to happen but- but he didn't think his friends were that considerate.

"What are you waiting for loverboy? Go! He'll be waiting" said Sapnap, clicking in Dreams face

———————- George pov —————————-
Message from Dream :) :
Dream: i see you
George: i don't see you

What? There wasn't a green hoodie in sight.

George: Where are you
Dream: turn around idiot

George had never spun his head faster. And he was not disappointed when he did.

In front of him stood a man he didn't recognise in the slightest, a stranger almost, but a stranger that made his stomach do frontflips and his mouth dry.

He was a couple metres away perhaps, just enough for two long strides to bring them closer. George did so, and the two brought each other into a long awaited hug.

They hadn't even said hello yet, hadn't even acknowledged one another, yet they continued to melt into each other's touch.

Dream was the first to pull away, leaving George standing in front of him - the two still silent. It was now that the brunette finally saw the face of the man he had fell for so many months ago.

His face was tanned, dotted with light freckles here and there over his nose and cheeks. His cheekbones defined and jawline sharp, George ever so slightly swooned at the sight. His eyes were a shade of green, bordering yellow, a colour only to be described as muted. Beautiful nonetheless.

Dream's hair was blonde, ever so slightly dirty, with hazy brown locks spread throughout. They fell onto his forehead, messily sprawled over like a fringe, some coming down to his eyebrows.

Most noticeably, he was tall. George knew this already, but in person it was different. George's head fit perfectly into his collarbone when they hugged, like a cliche analogy of two puzzle pieces.

"Hi George" said Dream, after letting the brunette stare for long enough
"Hi Dream" chuckled George, giving a slight wave back.

The two were awkward, there was no doubt about it, but they weren't uncomfortable. They were just happy to be together, silence or not.

Dream opened his arms for another hug, to which George gladly accepted. He allowed himself to melt into the younger boy's grasp, not thinking about his feelings or his butterflies, just allowing himself to enjoy it.

The two stayed for a moment, or maybe it was five moments, they didn't care. They had waited so long for it, that time wasn't a concern. Time difference wasn't a concern. Wasn't a problem. Time difference didn't exist. Because they were together.



Wassup guys, i've had an awful evening so i've just been writing the whole time to distract myself - so now u lucky people get two chapters in one night ;)

Also, with quackity, i think i prefer it when his friends call him Alex. Unlike Sapnap and Dream, Quackity just doesn't roll off the tongue, and i feel like in real life they would say Alex - idk tho shdjdksk

Quackity is also horrible to type - it always autocorrects to quality 😐

I originally wrote Dream with green eyes but then i remembered George wouldn't see it like that so i had to re-write it #colourblind

Hope you guys are enjoying it! Stay hydrated bbys <3

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