Just a rant 😠😠

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You know what I hate? When adults are know-it-all's. I live in a big-ish family, which means I never get the TV. So I spend my time listening to music. Then, my parents have the audacity to interrupt me and say,
"You're always on that phone. Find something to do!" Like um, no✨🙂
When you can go without your phone and the TV for 3 hours, then fine. But you don't just tell someone to stop just because you can. Also, when they say you need to do more or to get off the phone. They call you lazy, but no! You are not lazy. These are signs of being mentally and emotionally worn out. Then adults go and say,
"You shouldn't be so negative. Have a better attitude." Sure, but just so you know, I will become more irritated, snippy, rude, and angry because now on top of all my stress, I have to be a professional actor. Dude, I'm way too tired to deal with humanity's bullshit 😤🙄

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