Sanity Falls

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Travis sat on the bed in the corner of the room, covering his face with his hand.

The room smelled like weed and death. Making Travis gag a little. But he tried his best to force himself past it.

He suddenly heard steps, outside the room. And then quick chatter right outside the door before it swung open and there stood...

"Travis.", Larry had already closed the door behind him before even looking at him. "What the fuck are doing here.", Larry gritted his teeth, clawing his nails into his backpack strap.

"I-I-I", Travis choked on his words. Larry- really. He was sitting in Larry's room. The boy he had taunted for years, the kid who had taunted him back, and the kid who absolutely hated his guts.

He was in *his* room.

"Why are *you* in *my* room.", Larry stood there, he was obviously mad. Not daring to even come towards him.

"M-My mom .... Dropped me off here", Travis cleared his voice, trying not to make eye contact with Larry.

".... You. You're the kid with the *troubled childhood" I heard about", He laughed tauntingly, with obviously disgust in his voice

"Oh...", Was that how his mother described him to Lisa?- was that how Lisa had described it to Larry... Did he have a troubled childhood?... *Was* he having a troubled childhood?...

"So what, we have to get along or something now?", Larry gritted his teeth, tossing his backpack down next to his bean bag chair, coming a little closer to the blonde.

"...", Travis stayed quiet. His heart was pounding. He knew fucked up.


"We're not friends. Never have, never will be", Larry was now sitting criss-crossed on the other side of the bed, looking at Travis.

"Right- of course", Travis sighed, fiddling with his fingers, barely managing to make eye contact with Larry.

Abruptly, the door swung open and Lisa stood there with her welcoming smile, clasping her hands together.

"Hey, Travis. You feeling okay? Are you guys getting along?"

Travis had only been there for, what? Almost an hour now? Spending most of his time explaining to Larry he was sorry for everything he did, he had his reasons, even if they were stupid and unjustifiable, and revealing parts of his childhood for his pity.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. And I think we're getting along just well", Travis looked up at her with a sigh.

"I thought I should check up with you before inviting any house guests. I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with inviting my boyfriend and his son over for dinner", Lisa said, the smile not leaving her face.

"Mom. That's not a good idea-", Larry spoke up.

"No, no. I think Travis should decide what he wants. He's the special guest, so he's in charge", Lisa barked.

"Oh um-", Travis tried speaking up, but Larry eyed him as he did so, warning in his eyes.

"You don't wanna fucking say yes", Larry muttered.

"Oh um, yeah, it's fine- I don't mind", The blonde smiled at her before Lisa smiled back with a nod and left the room, leaving the two boys alone once again.

"Oh, you're so gonna regret this", Larry chuckled.

"Why?... It's fine?..."


I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Where stories live. Discover now