After 5 years later in NYC
You wake up at 06:50 in the morning like you always do, You go straight to the shower. You get in as you turn on the hot water, it felt so good when the hot water hit your back you didn't want to leave the shower but you had to get to work early so you hopped out and put on your outfit that you picked out the day before, it was a light grey skirt that stopped at your knees and a matching light grey cote with a light pink tight top underneath, you put on some minimal make up nothing to much. When you get to your kitchen you looked at your watch that said 07:20 "oh crap I'm going to be late" as you grab a cup of coffee and leave the house in a hurry.
You get to your black car in the parking lot you notice someone new, A tall white man he had dirty blonde hair and a slight Boston accent he looked quite familiar but you couldn't put you finger on it. You tried to take a better look at his face but he wore sunglasses so you couldn't see his face. As you open your car you heard him say "yeah don't worry about me a found this cheap apartment and I'll be hiding there away from the paparazzi, yeah it's a little to small for me and dodger but we will manage" you just looked at him quite offended that he called the apartment to small, You get in the car and sigh.
After 20 minutes of being stuck in traffic you get to the office, you went in the elevator pressed the bottom to the 8th floor as standing in there awkwardly alone while you fidgeted with a ring on your finger, the ring was a gift from Nick you always had it with you. Once you got to your floor you saw bunch of people with there kids and that when you remembered it was National bring your kids to work day
"oh great" you whispered to yourself as you walked to your office and sit on your office seat. It was a big office it had one big chair and a desk withe two smaller chairs at the front of the desks.Later that day you got a call from a costumer for a baby shower party "hello yes I'm her,how can I help you. okay and do you now the gender of the baby, oh okay when do you want it okay so on Friday okay great Me and my team will come over and prepare everything, yes okay okay thank you bey bey" you slam the phone on the table as you here someone knock on the door "come in" you say with your hands coving you're face you look up to see your best friend Emma.
"hey girl how you doing" she asked as she runs to hug you."Not good" you say as you hug her.
"What's wrong ?" she asked by breaking the hug.
You point out of your office on a women with her four year old son "that could have been me today" you say all sad.
"I know and I'm so sorry that this isn't you but I promise you one day you will have beautiful kids and an amazing husband" Emma says with a smile.
"But it won't be Nick" you walk away from Emma to look at the NYC view from your office window.
"I know I know but that is in the past it's five years sins that happened, when was the last time you got laid ?" Emma asks.
"Five years ago" you look down embarrassed.
"Girl I'm taking you out tonight and you are going to get laid, let's go" she said grabbing you hand and walking out the office.
After 20 min
You both get home "damn y/n you got a nice ass house" Emma said looking around your house.
"I mean I do live alone" you say as you take of your heels and go to your room to pick out an outfit. You picked out two dresses you turn around and ask Emma "so what are you doing in NYC ?" Emma tried to ignore the answer by saying "were the black dress it's your colour"
You look at her and say "thanks but you didn't answer my question what are you doing here"
"Okay so i may or may not have gotten engaged to Mark" she says showing you the ring.
"Omg that great I'm so happy for you,why didn't you tell me sooner" you asked her looking at her ring.
"Because I didn't now how you'd feel about weddings after you know Nick and the baby" she says.
"Hey Emma look at me, you are right it was five years ago and as much as I miss the life I could have had with him and the baby it's time that I move on and because of something that happened to me doesn't mean I'm not gonna be happy for you" you say letting go of her hand and looking for some heels.
"Thank you" Emma said as she hugged you tight and whispered in your year "now let go and and find you someone ".
You punched her in a play full way and got ready for the night.
You got ready. You are wearing a short black shiny dress with your hair straighten and red heels with some golden hoop earring you felt pretty after a long time. As you got to the club Emma stoped and said
"have fun" she unlocks your car door."hey hey hey were do you think you are going, you are coming withe me" You say looking at her.
"Hello?! I'm engaged" she said in a playful tone as she lifts up her hand to shows you her ring.
"But it was your idea that we come here and get laid" you said in an annoyed tone.
"YOU, come here and get laid" Emma says laughing. You get out of the car and slam the door shut. Emma rolls down her window "just so you know I get good sex with mark at home" she winks at you.
"I hate you" you scream.
"Thank me later and call me if you need a ride" she says as she drives past you.
It was getting kind of cold outside in your short dress so you walked in the club/bar.
Thank for reading Chapter.3
This is getting quite interesting I hope you are having fun reading this and sorry if my spelling is bad I'm not the best in English. New chapter will be up tomorrow <3

You are the only perfect thing left
RomanceThis story is about YOU as you have a rough time in life after loosing your fiancée. You move to NYC for a fresh start, that's were you meet the one and only CHRIS EVANS. You both will get a good bond. Let's see where that leads you two.