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Rex looked in complete shock, as he spoke out.

"Extermination of the human race?! Are you serious?!"

Alex was shocked, and could not believe what it was he just heard, as Wanda spoke out.

"But the Foundation promised to fight to protect the humans that live in the outside world!! What's going on!!"

Alex looked down, as he does not know what is happening, but he decided to make a Composed File, so he can list what is happening.

With Pietro Wilson...

Pietro looked at the television that is in front of him, as he began to make a composed log of what the Foundation is throwing at the world.

Pietro: COMPOSED FILE 0001-1

"Immediately following the release of their worldwide announcement, the Foundation began their assault on mankind.

The response to the anomalies the Foundation let loose was as quick as it could have been, but the damage is being done. It's hard to tell what exactly is going on, but from my position here - accessing the Foundation network and keeping track of the news - I've managed to grasp a little. I'm going to get everything I know down - so that when this is over, if anyone's still alive, they'll know what happened to us."

Relevant Anomaly    Action taken by the Foundation

SCP-096    Images of SCP-096's face circulated on social media platforms. Death toll had already reached the hundreds before the images were taken down. For all I know, that thing is still going.

SCP-169    A series of nuclear charges are detonated within and along SCP-169's back, causing it to stir in its sleep slightly. The resultant earthquakes and tsunamis devastate a significant number of coastal settlements around the world.

SCP-662    Over the course of twenty-four hours, an individual whose appearance matches that of 'Mr. Deeds' appears in the vicinity of several major heads of state and assassinates them using whatever tools are immediately available, disappearing just as quickly. I don't know why this stopped after the first day.

SCP-610    Samples of SCP-610 are dispersed by embedded Foundation agents within many major cities, including New York and Delhi. All civilians in the area, along with the agents themselves, are quickly infected and succumb to SCP-610. Further spread of SCP-610 is halted by the combined efforts of the Global Occult Coalition and the Church of the Broken God.

SCP-682    Released."

Pietro looks down, as he spoke out to himself, so very confused, he than puts his hands onto his face, as he spoke out to end the file that he's still making..

"I don't understand why this is happening."

Alex: COMPOSED FILE 0001-1

"I was able to look into as much of the situation as possible, and I noticed that they had released so many anomalies that there are just way too many to count. They are spreading as quickly as a virus, and the damage is being rapid and fast that even I have no idea which one of the SCPs were the first to be released outside. But these are the ones that I had listed from what I can gather on the news."

Relevant Anomaly    Action taken by the Foundation

SCP-008    And speaking of viruses, the SCP Foundation had dropped a miniature nuke with a gaseous substance, and it began to infect everyone with what seems to be the gas state of the Zombie Plague. And...somehow, whatever the it is that the Foundation had done to the SCP-008 virus, they somehow made the infection time shorter, and the infected are spreading much quicker than they ever were before, due to the large amount of humans present in the area people are in. The Chaos Insurgency are doing all that they can to slow it down, and hopefully stop it.

Old Gods, New Gods, and Leviathans: Rise of the Scarlet KingWhere stories live. Discover now