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A shout-out from Naughty_Breeze
#1 rank in manikmalhotra..23 Feb 20...
First of all thank u readers..mind it..not all readers.. only constant supporters...thank u so much for being with me for all the time..from the start of my first story to till now..
Nd I know how writers work hard to get a good response..even I'm a writer Nd I know how it feels...we writers Don't expect much from u readers..what we want is just a vote Nd a comment which makes us happy Nd content..Nd encourages us to write more Updates with more enthusiasm..but u know in just 2 days I found 2 writers....quite famous writers left wattpad coz readers aren't giving a good response..I don't even think that is their is complete fault of u ... only u Silent readers...I already said it encourages us..Nd I don't know how much will u get just by a vote Nd a comment..Nd it seriously making me fed up....I feel like I'm done being good..even we writers r humans Nd we expect atleast a vote from u readers...but these SILENT READERS won't get a thing like this...when a day before I said that I will write chapters in private I got 30 followers seriously .. y...I know many of u like my stories..there r more than 500 views in every chapter but votes couldn't even reach 200... I mean u like my story..u read it daily..u follow my announcements nd my story but don't vote..y like that..if u seriously feel problem due to voting..then message me..I will definitely do something..but these SILENT READERS R hurting..even i don't know how much time I may cope up...I wanna write stories.. infact I already prepared 4 new stories..I planned characters covers Nd all .but I don't think I can do it if u readers r Silent..I guess after a months or so I will get frustrated myself Nd will stop writing....
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