Chapter 53

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"When the world was ending, wе looked up at the sky

And we talkеd about the last song that we'd play
So far from comprehending, they'd lift us to the stars 
Never seen each other from so far away"

~To begin again~ Zayn and Ingrid Michaelson 

Thea Hayden

My eyes slowly fluttered open to a white ceiling. I heard a beeping noise echoing around me and mumbles of people talking .

I lifted up my hand to feel the oxygen mask on my face . I took it off and through my hair and placed it on my chest .

I slowly sat up and groaned at the soreness of my body . I fixed my necklace sitting on my chest and looked down to see it was backwards.

I squeezed my eyes shut in pain but breathed through it . I looked around the hospital room and saw numerous flowers and cards all for me .

I finally looked to my left and my eyes couldn't focus at first at the person sitting down in the seat resting against the wall .

I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my palm to try and rid of the blurriness . I looked back up to semi focus eye sight and thought I was hallucinating .

"She's up." They popped the 'p' . My heart rate sped up a bit and was heard through the monitor. I snapped my head in that direction and looked back at him .

"You've been out for three weeks ." He told me as I looked down and around the room for some type of answer that I knew I wouldn't find.

Three weeks . So it would have to be the start of March by now . Holy shit .

"I've been waiting here patiently to make my appearance." He smiled making my stomach churn.

I brought my hand up to my necklace and tried to calm myself down by playing with it . I pressed my thumb into it hoping to create some pain to mask this fear .

With my hand he couldn't see I started counting my fingers over and over again . He knew he was getting to me and was enjoying it .

I was trying to suppress my anxiety that I felt coming on stronger than ever .

"I heard it was supposed me at maximum , two days . That you were supposed to be out , but no princess to her sweet time ." He took his legs down from the table they were set on and sat down fully in the chair .

"Don't call me that ." I said above a whisper trying to sound as strong as I could accompanied with a rasp , of not using my voice in weeks . I wanted to badly to press the red button that was against the wall to get someone in here other than him .

"She speaks ." He said in surprise while clasping his hand on his knees . I shook my head at him as angry tears streamed down my face .

"Aren't you gonna ask ?" He questioned me as he was smiling . "Ask what ?" I asked with gritted teeth as I balled my fist and felt my nails seeping into my skin .

"How I got out ." He said and stood up from his seat and strolled over to my bed as I kept a watchful eye on him .

"Well?" He shrugged and sat down on my bed creating a dip .

"How?" I asked him as I felt the blood in my hands from my nails breaking the skin . "Your aunt , good hearted till her last breath ."

I froze .

My heart had stopped , or what at least I felt like it . My blood ran cold and noise around me became fuzzy .

"W-what?" I choked and tried not to let my emotions show which I was obviously failing at  .

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