chapter 7

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Verenya's provoke:
When he entered the chamber it felt like he was lost in his thoughts. All I can assume that something is bothering him. I ask myself 'Should I ask him what's bothering him? Or should I ignore'?

"Who are you to ask him, rather than just an object whom he exchanges in war as a winning prize"-said my evil side.

"You should ask him, it's your duty as a wife"- said my good side.

I sat in front of the mirror wiping my face up to destroy both sides.

The silence broke, when he said -"Tomorrow, you have to be present in the Justice Courtroom".

I nodded and asked-" Is something happen? "

"Raja sa (king) came to know that you are the one who was present in the Maa sa (mother) room".- he whispered.

I nodded and look towards the floor with a guilty face.

"I want to ask something- will you going do whatever I will say to you." -He asked in a very serious tone.

"What do you mean?"- I replied in low voice.

"I am trying to save you from punishment"-he whispered.

"Okay"- I replied.

He points towards the bed and ordered-" Go and sleep, tomorrow will going to be a long day for everyone".

I nodded and climbed up the bed. As I climbed up the bed and he left. I thought he also going to sleep.

Did he seriously care for me or he has some motive behind this?
While thinking about these and I didn't know when sleep took me over.

Abhirath's provoke:
I know according to Manyagarh's rule, father will sentence her to death punishment.
I can't see her dying and myself doing nothing.

Tomorrow, she will gonna be free from me and Manyagarh. This will be going to be the last time when I can see her.

After that everything will going to be changed. Even last time I couldn't confess my love to her that I fall for her when I saw her riding the horse.

My thoughts troubling me and my heart was keep on telling me that let her go or if she stays she will gonna die. I can't see her dying in front of me.

I clenched my fist and punched against the wall. 'Why she didn't stay inside the chamber. If she didn't move her to let out of the chamber nothing will gonna happen like this. I think it's all my fault and now God is punishing me for forcing her over this marriage'.

I slide down behind the wall and cried.

Next morning

Abhirath's provoke:
I couldn't sleep for the whole night because Verenya's thought was bothering me.
      I walk towards my chamber because she needs to leave before sunrise. I saw Verenya was sleeping peacefully in bed.
But we need to be on time. So I came close to the bed and gently shake her arms to wake her up.

She moves her palm towards her eyes and gently rubs it.
She gave an astonishing look. It seems she was not expecting me to be here.

Verenya's provoke:
I was shocked when he came back and now why he wakes me up so early.

"We need to go, wear something simple "- He told me in a cold voice.

I just nodded.

I just can't understand this man, he is soft with his family and hard with me. Is he hates me that much.  I think he doesn't think I am even a human, who also wants love and care. 

I know even our marriage happened for peace between two kingdoms. But what about me I have to live with him forever, I can't even leave him. 

    My heart wants to start fresh after forgetting everything I can't spend my all life cursing him out over everything which is happened to me. But it seems he doesn't want me. I am just a winning award for him which he won in Bundi.

I cried. 
I also want to be happy.  Being a princess I have heard so many loving stories but why my fate turn out to be bad ... why  ... why with me god...

My thoughts broke when I heard Abhirath yelling at me -" Verenya, we are getting late. Are you not in sense to hear me out".

I asked-" where?"

"You will come to know soon"-he said.

I nodded.


Hey guys,
What do you think will he gonna save her from the punishment and  is it will be sad ending ?

Or do u believe something  miracle will happen?

Please vote.

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