"What's Up Hotties?"

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It is around 8:30 now and after we set up the party people started showing up. There we a lot of people we have never met before probably either people from around here or people who were visiting like us and waited to make the best out of it. I was with Bryce when he handed me a white claw.
"Wanna see who can shotgun faster?" He looked really excited.
"Of course" We hit our cans together and I shotgunned as fast as I could and then threw my hands in the air because I finished before Bryce could.
"I won" I stuck my tongue out at him and saw that Josh was filming us. I was becoming a little tipsy but Bryce was still sober so I decided to kiss him while Josh was still filming us. As our lips smashed together I felt sparks. We pulled away after a couple of seconds and Bryce just hugs me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Ryland and Nick.
"What's up hotties" They knew I was joking, it was a nickname I had given them when I first met them.
"Well we think we saw Mads kissing another guy and Jaden saw it and locked himself in a bathroom. We don't know what to do. He's been up there for about 25 minutes and hasn't come out" Nick said, he pointed to a bathroom door that was closed, before the party started we made sure to open all the bathroom doors so the guests knew where they were. I got out of Bryce's arms and went with Ryland and Nick. I finally made it to the bathroom Jaden was in and knocked on the door quietly.
"Ryland and Nick go away. I said I didn't want to talk to you guys" I could tell by his voice he had been crying, it was raspier than it usually was and he was quiet.
"It's not Nick or Ryland. it's Austin please let me in, you don't even have to talk just please" I worried about Jaden because like me he struggles with depression and anxiety, I know how this could send him into a really bad head place if he doesn't have someone there with him. He didn't say anything but I heard him getting up and unlocking the door. He looked pretty bad, his eyes were bloodshot and he was shaking. He sat back down on the ground and I sat down beside him and pulled him into a hug.
"Jae I'm so sorry." His phone kept going off and I grabbed it to look at it and none of them were Mads like I thought they were going to be. Most of them were Hype and Sway members asking if he was okay. I got out my phone and texted the SWYPE chat that I was with Jaden and that everything was fine.
"Don't be sorry Auz, I deserved it. I probably didn't treat her well she was always asking me to make more time for her and stop spending so much with you and the boys, maybe I should have hung out with her more." My heart dropped, him saying that he deserved it. He did in no way deserve this at all.
"Jae you did not deserve it at all. You did everything you could for her. You hung out with her a fuck ton Jaden. You loved her so much, there was nothing you could have done to make this not happened. This is not your fault at all." I pulled Jaden into a hug and he broke down again. I hated seeing him like this.
"Wanna go drink the pain away?" I asked as I got up and took his hand. He looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair.
"I can't go out there looking like this" He laughed. I sat up on the counter and grabbed a washcloth and put cold water. I pulled Jaden closer to me and put it on his face to calm down the puffy ness under his eyes.
"Thank you Auz" he kissed the top of my forehead as he gave me one last hug
"No problem Jae" I jumped off the counter and we left the bathroom. We found the rest of the boys and they gave us drinks. Jaden and I both did 4 shots each. It was getting late and everyone started going up to bed. I was drunk and so was Jaden, we were leaning on each other since neither of us could really even sit up.

Josh's POV:

Austin went to see what was wrong with Jaden and they were gone for a while. After Jaden and Austin came out of the bathroom since he was crying and wouldn't talk to any of us they had drank a lot. Bryce left me as he went to get another drink. Neither Austin nor Jaden could even sit up and they were leaning on each other. It was super funny so I took a picture of it. Bryce came back and asked if I could help get Jaden to his room. Bryce picked up Austin to get her to their room and I grabbed Jadens arm and helped him walk to his room. Griffin was behind us to make sure I could get him upstairs but when the three of us made it to his and Mads room and opened the door we saw her making out with another guy. We turned around and went back to Bryce and Austin because they had a couch in their room and we thought we could get Bryce to let Jaden crash in their room. We knocked and when we walked in Austin was already sleeping in a PAU sweater and shorts. Bryce was taking off her make-up.
"Is it okay if Jaden crashes in here tonight?" Griff asked Bryce
"Of course but why?" He laughed as he asked. I'm going with no one told him what happened with Mads and Jaden yet.
"We went to take him to his room but when we got there Mads was on top of some guy making out with him," I said as I put Jaden on the couch and giving him a blanket.
"Oh shit. That must of been why Jaden was in the bathroom" Bryce quickly said as he continued to take her make-up off.
"I think it's why those two drank so much too," Griffin said as he pointed to the two passed-out drunks.
"Here put Jaden in the bed with Austin. He's going to need her in the morning anyways" Griff picked up Jaden and put him in the bed and under the sheets and blankets. I went to grab a bottle of Advil and 2 cups of water. Griff and I left the room while Bryce locked the door so nothing bad would happen to Austin.

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