Every Story Has An Evil Ending (Part 1)

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I have to play the role of the Villain. Every damn time. Everyone will always blame Technoblade. 

I can hear him.....he's speaking to someone but I can't tell who. 

I know what I have to do. But when I look them in the eye I hesitate. But there's no room for hesitation. None.  
"So this will bring us all back to the main world?" Will asks.
"It should."
I turn to Ranboo, I guess this is the last time I'll see him like this......And Will now that I think about it. The portal in front of us glows bright green as bits of the main world shine through. Ranboo reaches for my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.
"you ready to go back?" He asks. 
I look to the world around me. 

He pulls me through the portal, my heart skips a beat as a shock goes through my body. When I open my eyes I search for Ranboo. His hair back to the same dirty blonde and his eyes hazel. Gotta admit I'm gonna miss his old look. 
"I look the same...." will says.
I turn to him, he wears a tan trench coat, with a white button up shirt under it. Black chino pants sit at his waist, a brown leather belt holding them there. A black beanie sits on his head and a strip of his hair still white. His glasses a shiny wired gold. I stand up from the floor and wrap my arms around his waist. 
"Good." I whisper. "This style looks good on you." 
"Tommy!" his voice says from behind me.
I freeze up.....Tubbo glares at me before turning around, I follow his lead.....
Technoblade stands there, Phil at his side.
"What's this new you, you have going on?" Techno asks.
Phil looks away at the sight of Wilbur's sweater and beanie. I grip the bottom of the sweater for some sort of comfort, but nothing comes to me. Just anger. 
"I'm sure Wilbur would be proud now wouldn't he?" Techno says as he draws closer, his sword dragging behind him. 
I can't move.....every part of me freezes and just hopes Techno will too. But he doesn't he keeps getting closer....He pushes me to the ground. His sword at my neck. I look down to the sword then back up at Techno.
Then to Phil. 
"Phil please." I say under my breath. "I know I'm not Wilbur but some part of you has to see Wilbur in me." 
Philza furrows his eyebrows as he hesitates....but he backs away. Walks into the darkness.....
"PHIL!" I yell after him, but he doesn't stop. 
From the corner of my eye I see Tubbo run at Techno with a sword. Techno blocks the hit and grabs Tubbo by the collar of his shirt.
"Well this didn't go the way I thought it would." Tubbo mumbles

Within seconds he's thrown into the wall, his body hits the ground with a loud thud....and he's out. He lays there unconscious on the ground. 
"Now where were we?" Techno smirks as he turns back to me.
His long braid rolling off his shoulder in front of him. He brings the sword up into the air, I close my eyes and hold my breath....The sound of metal clashing against each other forces my eyes open...Techno's sword falls to the floor next to him. An arrow on the floor. 
"Looks like you have a rescue party huh?" Techno says as he grinds his teeth. 
The golden chains reflecting off my eyes as Techno backs away from me.

"Let him go." A voice demands.
I whip my head around to see Wilbur standing there....he looks so different....but he's still the same Wilbur. It's Wilbur....he's back! Ranboo runs to Tubbo, picking him up off the floor and holding him til he wakes up. Technoblade looks about the room, focusing his gaze at Wilbur.
"Well I know you didn't shoot that arrow." He smirks. "So where is she?" 
From the darkness of the hallway Neon steps out into the sunlight, her hair tied into a bun on her head, a strand of hair free from the bun. A quiver across her back and her fingers wrapped delicately around a bow. Black dragon guarding her chest, lower arms and shins. 
"Wow! We've gotten everyone back together! Ranboo, Neon, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo! Just like old times am I right?"
"Where's Phil?" Neon asks, a slight irritation to her tone. 
I turn to Will, Phil standing behind him....the blade in his hand. Before I can say anything Wilbur says.
"He's behind me." 

He spins on his heels to face him. His height creating a shower on Phil's face. Wilbur draws a sword from his belt and spins it around his arm before letting the tip rest on the floor. 
Neons eyes flick from Technoblade to Ranboo. He furrows his eyebrows as his jaw drops slightly as if he wants to say something but doesn't. Neon walks up to Technoblade. Bow in hand. Until it isn't......I rip myself off of the floor in shock as I scream.
"Neon what are you doing?!"
she drops her bow in front of Techno.....a look of confusion clouds his face as she sits on the floor. Her legs crossed as she stares up at him. 
He goes to say something but before he can get one word in she speaks.
"You once told me a great warrior's power does not come from the weapon they wield or the power they are given. But it comes from the ability to accept anguish and overcome it. So I asked myself if I would be able to accept what I can't control. Finding the answer took me longer then expected but when I finally did I realized why you drilled that phrase into my head." 
We all wait for Techno to say something. But he doesn't......he says nothing.
"I hear them too Technoblade....." She says as she points her finger to her temple, she rises from the ground, her arms dropped by her side.
"I've spent weeks trying to figure out how I would hurt you or take something from you......But I realized that none of those things would stop you. They never do. So what's the point in trying?"

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