"Yes I'm in, but I'm going back to bed"

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I woke up and I was still in Bryce's bed. I didn't want to wake him up though so I turned the Tv on and started watching Netflix. I put on Modern Family again and turned it down so Bryce could sleep. After a couple of episodes, Bryce started stirring in his sleep. He then grabbed onto my waist and pulled me closer. 
"Morning beautiful," He said to me in his raspy morning voice. 
"Morning Bubs" He brushed some hair out of my face and we started leaning closer to each other until we heard the door swing open and Josh and Jaden ran in the room and jumped on us. 
"Can we go on that vacation soon?" Josh said as he was looking at Air Bnbs in the Bahamas 
"We could leave on Friday?" I asked. I really wanted to go because it would be a lot of fun. 
"That's a good idea. Who are we going to invite though?" Bryce asked and I got out the notes app on my phone so I could count how many people were coming.
"Well all of us, Probably most of the Hype House then maybe Charli and Dixie and Tayler?" I had written down all of the Sways names and their girlfriends/ person they were talking to so we had enough rooms for the couples. 
"Yeah, that sounds good. Don't forget girlfriends and stuff to though" No shit Jaden thanks for that one.

The List so far. 

Josh/ Nessa 
Anthony/ Avani
Quinton/ Cynthia

"We should probably text everyone to see if they want to come," I said because I didn't want to write out everyone's name and get them a room and them not come because that seems like a lot of money that we don't need to be spending. 
"Yeah, we should. Bryce, you text the Swype Group chat and I'll add Austin to it." Josh said as he got out his phone as he started looking for the group chat to add me to it. 


Bryce Balls 

Sup Swype Bitches. Sways going to the Bahamas and we want you to come.

Chase Huddy 

Sounds Dope. I'm In. Can Charli come to? 

Canada Boy 

Yeah for sure. Girlfriends are welcome. 

Mr. Thick Neck 

Dixies coming too. 

Ryland Storms 

I'm so  down

Nick Austin 



I would but someones gotta keep the house alive. 


I'm coming


Me and My girl are gonna stay with Thomas 


I'll come. 

So my list is now 

Chase/ Charli
Ryland/Nick (Because rooms need to be filled) 

Then Bryce called Tayler. 
"Bryce. What do you want? It's still early." Bryce clearly woke up Tayler for this call. 
"Us and Hype are going to the Bahamas, you in?" Tayler was still half asleep when Bryce started that sentence but woke up when he heard the whole thing. 
"Yes, I'm in. I'm going back to bed though."
"Okay, but we leave on Friday." Tayler flipped him off then hung up 

"Sounds like Tayler really enjoyed that call" Josh was now somehow under my blanket and also half asleep. 
"Austin, Vinnie said he's coming are you okay with this?" I was not at all but I didn't want them to know that so I nodded my head and kept looking for an Air Bnb for us all to have. I haven't met Charli or Dixie yet though so it'll be fun to meet all the new people. 
"I booked us all tickets we leave at 9:30 Friday morning," Bryce said. Josh and Jaden went through their wallets and gave him money for the ride each. I went into my banking app on my phone to send him money then he grabbed my phone from me and said. 
"My treat" and laughed. He sent everyone the picture of their ticket with their name on it. Some people like Chase took their girlfriends as well and paid for it. I thought it was cute but I could pay for my own. 
"Bryce you don't have to. I can pay for it myself." I tried to grab my phone back from him but he hid it under him so I couldn't grab it. 
"Yeah you could, but then it wouldn't be my treat." He just stuck his tongue out at me like he was 5 years old and just beat me in a race or something. I finally got up out of bed and went to my room. I wanted to go swimming so I got my swimming suit and grabbed a big T-shirt off my floor. It's one of the boys but I don't know who's so I'll just wear it. I put it on and looked in the mirror. It was Griffins, I left my room to see everyone downstairs. I went to the pool area and took off the shirt and jumped in the pool. 

Bryce's POV:

I can tell that Vinnie coming on this trip is really stressing Austin out. I was thinking about a way I could get him to not come without sounding like she was scared of him. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Griffin threw a box of cereal at me 
"Earth to Bryce" 
"I just had a full conversation with myself because I thought you were paying attention" He laughed as I threw the cereal box back at him.
"Well, what were we talking about?" I asked as a joke it was most likely something to do with Austin because he could have talked to anyone else in the room besides me about anything else. 
"How's Austin with Vinnie coming on this trip?"
"I don't know man I think it's stressing her out but she won't say anything" 
"I only ask because I've never seen her swim without a smile and right now she is not smiling." She isn't in the pool, she went to her room to get changed. I looked out the window in the kitchen to see Austin in the pool crying. 

Fire in her Lungs-Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now