vii. superman

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Quinn slowly grabbed the envelope, looking over it with her flashlight before peaking it out of the hole for someone to take

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Quinn slowly grabbed the envelope, looking over it with her flashlight before peaking it out of the hole for someone to take. She could hear JJ take in a breath of air. "That's not gold."

Quinn hopped on her tippy toes to look out the hole, clearing her throat to get Popes attention. She lifted her arms up like a child wanting to be carried as she looked at him just above the stones "Help me out, would ya?"

Pope immediately nodded. "Oh, right." He mumbled, grabbing her hands and lifting her out of the hole. Once Quinn's top half was out of the hole, Pope moved around so his back was to her and gestured for her to fall on his back to land in a piggyback position and after a few seconds, she finally got on his back just as the sound of vehicle approaching rang through the cemetery air.

"Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" JJ whispered, gesturing for the group to run. Quinn let out a small squeak, tightening her grip on Pope as he ran after the group, hiding behind the stone wall.

Quinn jumped down off of his back and pointed and John B and JJ's flashlights. "Lights! Turn your fucking lights off, guys!" Quinn whispered and JJ quickly turned his off as John B fumbled with his, panicking the group.

"John B? Your light!" Kie whisper yelled at him. As the footsteps of the men grew louder and louder. "I see something!" One of the men said and Quinn turned to Kie beside her in slight fear. "Do you think it's them?"

JJ peaked his head out from behind the wall and shook his head. "Homie's got a gun." Kie looked around the group before scoffing, grabbing Quinn's hand and running. "Screw this."

"Right here!" A man screamed from behind the girls as the boys started following after them.

Quinn grunted as she hopped the fence, struggling at first but quickly getting it as Kie and JJ jumped off after her. "Hurry up!" JJ whispered as John B landed

"Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm stuck." Pope whispered and Quinn looked at him with wide eyes. "How the hell did you get stuck, Pope?" Pope turned to her defensively as Kie and John a tried to get him down. "I didn't do it on purpose!" He looked down at what Kie and John B were doing, his eyes instantly gojng wide as he shook his head.

"No, no. You're gonna rip me. Wait. You're gonna rip me!" Pope said, his whispers getting louder and louder until the sound of his shorts ripping rang through the air. Quinn quickly grabbed onto him before he tumbled to the ground as she held back a laugh, running with him towards the van. "You're fine. Come on!"

"It's a little Tootsie Roll." JJ cheered as he, Quinn and Pope climbed into the backseat. Pope let out a small shriek, covering himself with his hands as Quinn laughed. She quickly took off her jacket and handed it to him.

Pope gave her a grateful nod and a small smile for her offer, making Quinn smile, feeling a small tingle in her stomach.


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