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So first chapter...sorry if its bad?

It's short so-


The brunette stood still , not moving an inch as he listened to the figure of his best friend infront of him ramble on and on about his past trauma .

Tubbo didnt hate at the fact that the boy did that - of course not. The bee boy could never in his heart deny Tommy's ramblings as tubbo thinks it's a great way for tommy to express his emotions towards someone else.
However no matter how many tries , tubbo just couldn't seem to get tommy to listen to his own trauma as when the blonde is fully impassioned to listen to tubbo.  The boy would begin to stumble over his words and in the end just breaking down

Tubbo eyes were staring deeply into space as his ocean eyes looked dead and less full of life then before.

"You and ranboo..." was all tubbo needed to hear before snapping out of his daydreaming . Tommy had a hurt look in his eyes and his tone of voice sounded hurt  which straight away  concerned tubbo .

"What's wrong?" Was what accidentally slipped out of tubbos mouth from his mind but the boy seemed to pay no attention to it and waited for the reply of the younger in which he replied with such a quiet voice  "your replacing me arent you?"

These words shocked tubbo as his blue eyes were widened to the touch and his mouth was slightly parted, leaving him speechless from shock .

The blonde let's out an annoyed humm and muttered underneath his breath "I knew it....replacing me....not helping me escape...running of with ....boo" that all tubbo could make out from the mutter but these few words made the said boy  snap so he began to laugh out loud .

Tommy was now beyond confused and grew more annoyed by the second "what are y-" he started before getting cut of by the laughing and a few words  "I cant have anything can I?" Was what left tubbos mouth without tubbo even noticing as tubbo seemed to be out of it.

The two met eye contact and the blondes eyes were full of concern whilst the brunette eyes were just ...empty...

"What do you mean tubbo?" Is what tommy asked confusion and concern still refusing to leave his face and eyes . "When I tried to have a happily family . I destroy it.  When I try to rule a country even though I didnt want to yet green attached to it. It got blew up and after it was rebuilt it was blown up again. I try to help both sides out. I get executed. I...try to make myself happy. I'm hurting you..." he said first starting of with annoyance in his voice which gradly became sadness.  "And I try to forgive and forget. But look where I am now....with only one life left with no adult to care for me and tell me I'll be ok..." tubbo continues as tears began to build up in his blue eyes which soon began to flow down his cheeks.

"Tell me why tommy....why cant I ever do something without hurting anyone!!WHY CANT I JUST BE HAPPY!" He asked quietly before screaming the last part as tears began to flood down his cheeks like a river .


(512 words)

~finished ~

(Its bad ik but this wasnt really planned so-)

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