Prison Escape

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Luz's POV

Ugh my head.... it hurts so much... 

I open my eyes and the light from the sun hits me directly. I try to shield my eyes but they are tied up. Thats when i realize im in a boat. Boat...boat...BOAT! AMITY! 

Oh no no no no no!

What if those two idiots got her? What if she think i left her and she hates me!? 

Two guards with bird masks approach me. I finally noticed where i was. 

My hands were tied so i couldnt get out. "Let me go! I have to get to her!" I yell trying to get out of there grasp. 

I manage to get out but quickly back in there hands. "You arent going anywhere Noceda." One of the guards said. 

I give up knowing i wont be able to escape. Please be ok Amity... thats all i ask for. 

We enter the castle prison and two guards escort me through the halls. They tell me of how im gonna get hanged for my crimes. Im going to end up like Lucia...

 We were just walking until i see them. Just the sight of them makes me angry. 

It was Boshca and Skara. I hit both the guards and grab Boshca by the collar of her shirt.  "HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT HER HAIR?!" I yell right at her face. 

"I-it was the old l-lady... She to-told us to get the g-girl." She tells me and my eyes widen.

I let go of her shirt. 

Im slightly shaking. Her mother has her. The one person Amity didnt want to go back to. More guards come and grab me. I try to shake free and i beg them to let me go. "Wait i have to go! She's in trouble! Let go you stupid birds!" "You are getting out of here Noceda so just stop cause you arent going anywhere.

I quit trying to break free and notice a plant. It looks like one of Willows. Wait why would that be here...

We get to a door which is locked and then one of the guards pound on the door. "Hey open up!" He yells and i recognize the old man who opened a little talk way through the door. He asks, "Whats the password?" 

One of the guards at my side disappears. 

"Stop playing and open this door!" He yells again pounding at the door. Two more guards disappear. 

"Not even close." The old man says shutting the talk way. The last guard disappears and then its only the one in front. The helmet of the other guards dropped to my sides and he turns around. I give him a small awkward wave and smile.

The door opens and the person that walks through is someone i didnt expect to see. It was Eda!

She smacks him in the head with a frying pan. "Wow, kids were right. Frying pans do work." She says smirking at me.

"Well dont just stand there kid, do that parallel arm thing you love to do. Make it quick cause we gotta save you little girlfriend i heard so much about." 

I run to her and hug her, "You're the best Eda!" I hear her snort. "I know now lets go." I let go of her and we run. 

Right when we start running more guards start chasing us. Eda breaks my chains and i can run more freely now. Willow then runs next to us and pulls me to the side. "Come on I have a plan"

We run to the courtyard of the prison and we are surrounded. Willow proceeds to grab me and places me a few inches away from where i was originally. 

"Head down" She says and i repeat. "Arms in" I repeat again. "Knees apart." "Knees apart...wait why would i need to have my knees apa-... AHHHHHH" I was launched in the air. 

They sent me to my death! Eda if i survive this im going to kill yo-... Wait i landed on something...

I open my eyes which were tightly closed. I didnt land on something i landed on someone. "Max...D-...Did you bring them here?" I ask him and he nods at me. "Wow...ummm thank you. You know all this time we just didnt understand each other real well-..." As im speaking he gives me that 'seriously look' and i know i have to shut up.

"Hmmm yeah lets get going sorry..." I tell him and we head off to the tower where Amity is most likely at. 

The door from behind us opens and i see many guards chasing after us. They shoot arrows at us with crossbows and they just barely miss me. I can see that there is a a dead end and there are more guards coming for us from another door. 

"Que vamos acer... Wait max... MAX!" He jumps and we land on the top of the buildings. 

We jump from house to house and once we get off, he speeds off into the forest. We go through trees, and i mean a lot of trees. 

Arriving upon the tower i get of of max and yell out to amity, "Amity let down your hair!" Nothing... Come on minty please be here. "Amity let down your hair!"  Nothing again. I start climbing up the tower and im barely half way there and i see green hair flow down. Ha i knew she was here. 

I climb up the tower and "Amity you're her-..." I let out a groan of pain. Pain fills my side and i fall, i see blood. I was stabbed... Im too shocked to scream out in pain. 

Im going to die here...

Found her in a tower (toh x rapunzle au)Where stories live. Discover now