1 Hour

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With a groan I stretch out and found my self cuddling with what I thought was a pillow but hearing the giggle I slowly open my eyes to find the psycho from earlier, quickly backing up i flung my body back and off the bed with a thump; causing me to yelp in pain as my leg was pulsing, groaning I rub my hip looking up as she peaked over the edge of the bed grinning evil like. It wasn't a dream. Fuck it wasn't a dream this was actually happening. "Hehehe I couldn't help but visit you before you meet with everyone else! I really want to taste you again~ I'm surprised mother didn't drain you, but you're so good I'm sure she wants a constant supply." She said climbing off and over top of me. I was frozen wide eyes, trying to find words as I could hear my heart beating in my chest and my face getting hot. "Hmm~ just a lil taste.. mother won't mind." She bore her sharp canines causing me to close my eyes tight but when the door flung open and the woman stepped in she seemed to stop and look up. Just my luck.. "Daniela what do you think you are doing?" Suddenly in front of my eyes the girl turned into flies and appears at the woman's side.
"Just waking her for you mother. Of course!" She grinned innocently and I was left on the floor panting softly and the fear leaving my hands and legs quivering. Why was this happening to me, I just wanted to go back to not knowing hot hopefully not vampires that love torturing me!
"Of course you were, now go fetch your sisters. And you little maid~ have our drinks ready." I could only nod, not having any courage to speak. "I would help you get dressed but I'm afraid I have other things to attend to." She waved me off and left, gulping as I watched her crouch under the frame and felt my face getting hot and red all over again, then caught sight of the smaller who grinned when we caught eyes, licking her lip and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone on the floor of my new room. DID SHE JUST OFFER TO HELP DRESS ME. I thought I would faint right there, I mentally and physically slapped myself. "Ow! Why did I do that!" I yelled before quickly getting up but feeling the pain shoot up from my leg I crumbled to the floor. "merde qui fait mal!" I yell under my breath and slowly helping myself get up, when I'm upset or in stressful situations my main language just slips from my lips.
I walked to the dresser and slipped off my nightgown vowing to stop being horny on main. I looked at my nearly nude body in the mirror and let my finger tips trace the long dark scar that went down my tummy, sending bolts of electricity up my spine, I couldn't remember how I got it, only that I'm here now because of the one who gave it to me. I turn and look back into the mirror looking at the scars on my back that led downward. "They are so ugly..." I whisper to myself and slowly looked away, my hands on my shoulders, standing there for a moment in a haze before sighing, I wish I could remember what happened to me..
It was best I just forget, it must not be good if i tried so hard to forget it all, it'd be a waist of time if I tried to remember anything, so instead of thinking I whispered a french song to myself and payed more attention to the words than I did of my thoughts previously. Tightening the corset I gasp and moan, I usually did when I'd tighten it I thought it was a normal thing for everyone to do. "Nngh ah~" I relaxed and tightened the strings Abit more before tying it and brushing my fingers over it enjoying the texture, I wondered if wearing a corset would be a bad idea when I'm injured but I just ignored the idea and put on my uniform, black to the knee dress puffy at the bottom just slightly and an apron a bit more cleavage showing then I would like and I thought about it a second. "Eh hot vampires wanna look at my titties hot vampires getta look. I ain't complaining." I said to myself and hurried my way out and down into the hall. I had to remember how to get to the kitchen and back in time so I don't get yelled at and this might be the hardest task of my life.
Walking down the hall I pull my hair back with either hair tie or hair band, getting a few strands in my face, I knew I had to do this, I had to do this quick, so now instead of walking I'm practically running. Each step the pain in my leg got worse but it was nothing compared to my enormous fear of failure, and what was worse a whole in my leg or getting drained of all my blood? Yeah I'll take alittle pain from my leg. Unbothered by it at this moment I hurried into the kitchen and found the tray, I found it alittle funny they used tea cups to drink wine out of, I imagined watching the giant of a woman holding a small tea cup and slapped my hand over my lips to prevent myself from busting out laughing. I put the bottles on the tray of cups and I lifted it and made my way out and tried to be as careful as possible. "Don't drop it... Don't trip... Nice an easy..." I whisper to myself and made my way up the stairs, shit why were there so many stairs, they must have some toned legs cause holy shit.
I knocked on the door steadying the tray in one hand helping myself by pressing it to the door frame and my body, hearing the come in I opened and walked in. "I have your drinks ma'am" I said taking the tray in both hands once more and set it on the table before pouring them all a glass, trying not to question the thick red liquid that poured out. I was glad they had continued they're conversation, happy for once to not be acknowledged, as I step away from the table giving a bow and turning so I could book it out this fucking room, that was until.
"Mother is this the one Daniela told us about?"
Fuuuuuuckkkk me... I hold in my cries of protest and instead turned to the group and trying my best to keep in my I'll will towards them. Lady dimitrescu turned to the blonde who tried her best to not acknowledge her mother's glare, and then looked to me, making me try a swallow the ball growing in my throat. "Yes. She's my new Chamber maid, I was going to toss her but- I decided otherwise."
"Mother and I DON'T plan on sharing!" Daniela grins only she was shut down instantly by her mother. "No."
I slammed my hand over my lips to stop the laugh I felt crawling up inside, but this poorly planned action caused all of they're eyes to land on me, making my skin crawl and I put my hands behind my back looking down and shuffling my feet slightly. Shit shit shit.
"And what might be so funny?"
Oh fuck her tone... When did I have such mommy issues.
God I'm so lame too...
"Hm. You test your limits. These are my daughters, Daniela who you've met. Bella and Cassandra."
I mean with hips like those I'm surprised she didn't have more, but they all looked different which meant they all had different dad's or adopted which I don't care either way.
I look to them and bow. "I'm y/n." I said looking back up and to see them all smirking and giggling to themselves. I felt embarrassed, especially when I was being looked down upon.
"So let's say if I let her run and I catch her can I have a taste.." Cassandra said staring at me and I watched her nostrils flare and her gaze went to the bandage on my leg. Shit... They could probably smell it.
"Me too?? It's only fair since Daniela had a taste." Bella said glaring at the girl who seemed unfazed by her sister.
"Hmm how interesting... If she can make it back here in an hour then you both lose. Child." She called making me snap my head up to look at her and I watched as she grinned, her eyes traveling up and down my body in hunger. Shiiiit fuck not getting horny, she's so hot. I bite at my bottom lip knowing she noticed such as she sat back down. "You have 10 minutes to run and if you make it back here in an hour you won't have to worry about my daughter's any longer." I nod again. Usually I talked quite a lot but around her words seemed to stop forming. "Starting now."
I looked at them and slowly I walked my way to the door. "The timers on you know?!" One shouted to me which I just gave a thumbs up, opening the door and turning back. "I hope you enjoy your drink." I said closing the door and then I fucking booked it.
The adrenaline was pumping so fast I didn't even think about the pain in my leg, I just kept running till I couldn't anymore. Panting heavily I found myself at a random part of the castle. "Shit shit.." I whisper and quickly I found myself in the kitchen.
"Hello?" I whisper hoping another human was around but I found none. Quickly I got myself a glass of water downed it then I got in the cabinets I grabbed butter and spices as though my body knew just what to do, like I know how to run from someone with such inhuman abilities.
Rubbing my bandages in butter I then covered it in seasonings, turning the sink on I I wet rags with burning hot water and pulled out a slump of meat from the freezer and wrapped it in hot rags already watching it defrost and the blood drip on the counter. "Okay okay they are probably after me now.." I whisper and quickly I leave the kitchen and make my way down the halls, quickly up stairs and into a bedroom looking the door. I was trying to remember the map given to me the first day, if I'm right there's a secret door in this room. If I use it I'd get down into the basement from there I should be able to switch buildings... I thought to myself hoping I was right and not horribly wrong. By this time my leg was throbbing in pain and I really started to feel it, I wanted to scream but instead I just began looking around. I really didn't want to be cut or scratched or poked or proded and definitely not sucked....unless...
I once again mentally slapped myself, suspecting I would be doing that alot.

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