iv. the first cut is the deepest

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04. chapter four!
the first cut is the deepest.

trigger warning:
creepy men, violence & i
think that might be all!!

    Katarina ignored the lump that formed in her throat as she walked through The Crow Club, if she had told Kaz the truth he would have suspected her even more so than he already did.

Hi Kaz, that big important man you're looking for? Yeah, I know him, we go way back, matter of fact I saved his life.

That's not suspicious at all.

Walking through the crowds, Katarina did her best to avoid all physical contact, just as the exit was in sight and almost in reach; somebody stood in front of her, preventing her from leaving so quickly. Ah, a man. Rolling her eyes, she looked up to see a man twice her size and age with an evil looking grin on his face.

"Can I help you-"

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"

"Plotting world domination," She gave him her best, over-the-top, exaggerated and sarcastic smile. "You?"

The man's smile faltered at her words. It was clear that he had begun to step towards Katarina with obvious intent to harm her, a situation she wasn't nearly as prepared for as she should've been.

Then, a small (in comparison) hand reached up from behind the man and plunged a knife into his shoulder, as he fell to his knees Katarina took her chances, grabbing the back of his head and by his hair, smashing his face into her knee. She couldn't help the smile on her face as she watched him fall, blood staining his face thanks to his, now broken, nose. After the man had fallen, she looked back up to see Inej, of all people, cleaning the blade on a cloth in her hands.

"I had that under control."

"They all say that."

"I could've killed him with his own finger, do they all say that, too?" Katarina sighed at her own words, trying to compose herself but still struggling to find it in her heart to apologise for her behaviour, pride tended to be her downfall.

Pride and pretty boys with blue eyes.

Inej smiled to herself, she was a kind woman and she knew that eventually her and Katarina would rekindle a friendship of sorts, but until then she refused to stop playing this game— no matter how stupid or silly. Above all, she couldn't deny that Katarina had more wit than Jesper and Kaz put together, and she loved it.

"Here," She held out the now clean blade. "For when your bullets run out."

She placed the blade in Katarina's hand and walked past her, leaving the woman standing in confusion. Upon hearing the man beneath her began to stir, Katarina let out a small squeal as she stepped over his body and out of the club, at last.

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