29. Back (Oikawa pov)

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a/n: AGHHHHH IM SORRY I DIDNT GET TO POST FOR SO LONG UGHHHHHH!!!! this was my last week of school i finished earlier today :) and have some ap exams next week (which i need to cram for this weekend lol) but im hoping after those are over i can write a bunch more. i probably wont post again til after :/ anywayyyy, happy friday guys, enjoy this chapter :))) (also i dont own the coverart i wish i did LOL) (also happy late birthday IDoNotKnowWhyIDoThis, this chapter is for you :))))

I woke up at 5:30 on Monday morning, despite the fact that I didn't need to be up for another hour and a half, and could not fall back asleep. Usually I didn't have a problem falling asleep, really, I was a champion nap taker. But, the first thing on my mind was Suga, and I couldn't get him out of my head, and so after trying to fall back asleep for the next forty-two minutes–forty–two minutes of nothing but Suga's eyes, smile, laugh, tears–I gave up and got out my phone to text him.

Suga woke up early right? But–shoot what if his ringer was on and I woke him up and he was already having trouble sleeping??? That would make me an absolutely terrible boyfriend, I couldn't do that to Suga...

I tried to throw my phone across the room so I couldn't touch it but failed and ended up keeping it and GAHHH I'M SORRY SUGA I CAN'T TAKE IT I HAVE TO TEXT YOUUUU!!!!!!!

"hey suga, just wondering how youre feeling this morning and if youre up yet?" I sent. I stared intently at the screen of my phone, willing the delivered label to disappear in place of a read one. That didn't happen.

What if...what if Suga was already up but just, hadn't heard or seen the text? So...I should send another? Yeah sure, why not? "ps if you changed your mind about school i can still come over;)" I sent a few minutes later. Still nothing.

Aghhhhhhhhh Suga-channnnnn why do you have to torture me like thissss????? I sighed deeply and decided I might as well get up while waiting for a response. I went downstairs to have breakfast and found that apparently, both my parents were still asleep. Hmm to wait for one of them to make a good breakfast, or have cereal...aah, I was hungry, cereal it was.

While I was eating I texted Iwaizumi if he wanted to walk to school together today (and I totally did not text Suga again to see if he was awake yet or anything).

Iwaizumi wasn't so much a morning person as much as wasn't a night person and just ended up waking up early, so I got a text back from him soon enough. "woah, trashykawa is up early? maybe you were finally abducted by aliens and this is them stealing your phone"

Rude!! I told him that. "ah no, definitely oikawa, im sure aliens are much nicer than you" I would've stuck my tongue out at him if he were there in front of me. I stared at our messages and watched the typing bubble reappear, a few moments later receiving a text that read, "dont tell me you cant sleep because of suga?" Sometimes I hated how well Iwaizumi knew me. For the second time that morning, I considered hurling my phone at the wall.

"so what if i cant??? im WORRIED abt him iwa-chan, W O R R I E D!!!!!!" I could practically hear his scoff from five blocks away, the jerk. A bit later he said, "see you in an hour?" Oh god, an hour, that was so long!!!! Don't get me wrong, I took forever to get ready, but an hour to kill????

I finished my cereal and put away everything I'd gotten out. I even washed my bowl and spoon instead of putting them in the dishwasher, that's how bored I was. When I was done I snatched my phone, hoping Suga had written back. Still nothing. ialwhiswefoiahgoIHOIHAOGoiHOI–

I went back upstairs (definitely didn't text Suga on the way) and ended up watching volleyball clips until I realized I had lost track of time and was now running late.

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