chapter 33

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Warning contains deadname,forbidden pronouns (only in the flash back), parents arguing,mentionsnof being divorces,alcohol,weird man in the streets,drugs (heroin and cocaine),mentions of not wanting to see some ever again,mentions of blackmale.

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you

No ones p.o.v

"Well it all started when....."


Lola had and awful day at school because the kids were making fun of her and calling her names.

Worst of all the book she was reading at schoo was now coverd in some sticky substance.

Loala sighed and enterd her house.

When she did he heard they yells of her parents arguing.

You see lolas parents are divorced beacusr logans bitchass mum thinks that logans dad is the cause of lolas substance abuse.

But its the other way aromg lolas mother is the onc causing lolas substance abuse.

Lola made her way to her very girlish room and locked the door.

She changed into some woolie pjs and gor her secret stash of adult juice out ans started drinking the beverages.

Lola enjoyed the saved of some alcohols not all but she did what ever she could to escape this hell hole mentally.

After a while lola fell asleep spilling what ever was open all over the floor and the empty bottles surrounded her.

As time went on he substance abuse got worse.

When she met roman and remus she told them almost everything.

But she dident tell them about the alcohol she had stashed away.

One day lola mey a man kn the stree corner on her way home from school.

He offers her some strange things but lola found herself drawn to what she assumed was flour in a bag, and she spied some needles.

The man had told her that they were going to make her happy so she bought them, the strange man telfer how to use the things she bought and she the man.

When she got home she say the twins cleaning or being yelled as, lola immediately ran to her room and got the things out of her bag.

Loal and proceeded to take a little bit of the powder in.

A first she felt funny but soon found she was in a whole world of happiness.

So she used it from then on.

After a few days when lola came home from school her mother had informed her that her dad had moved far away and never wanted to see lola again.

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