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Raiva's arms tightened softly around Wanda's figure, holding onto her like she was her oxygen.

Wanda was Raiva's everything; her light, her new favourite rock - to Nat's disappointment - and the reason she kept going.

Wanda's eyes shot open as she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She looked and saw that Nat wanted to go out with the two, just the three of them. The witch looked down and was peaceful in the moment.

Raiva's face was calm, no furrowed brows, no frown upon her lips. She was happy in her dream, even a small smile on her angelic face. Wanda lightly brushed the scar striking through her eye, which accidentally woke the teen.

"Mm. Five more minutes."

"Come on, lazy. Nat wants to go out for breakfast."

That was enough to get Raiva's eyes to open properly, but she still couldn't get up. She slowly peeled her upper body off of Wanda despite protests and grimaced whilst moving her legs with her hands.

"Do you wanna try again quickly?"


"I know, it's been ages. But every bit helps."

Raiva clasped onto Wanda's hands and pulled herself up, her legs quickly stabilising and shaking only slightly.

"Look at you go!"

The sudden entrance of a certain Kryptonian startled Raiva out of her focus and her legs caved, with Wanda catching her before guiding her to the floor.

Raiva slammed her fist against the tile, a loose shard entering her hand and making her wince.

"Motherfucker." She flipped off the tile and Wanda laughed before getting her a bandage.

"Raiva, up."

The teen obeyed her girlfriend and pulled herself back into the couch slowly, with Kara guiding her like a spotter at the gym. Once she made it, Wanda came back after texting Nat as Kara held up Raiva's shirt for the witch to access her waist easier.

She took her time and they were patient as she redressed Raiva's open wounds, none of them infected but none closing either. Some had clotted nicely along her arms, whilst the major one on her stomach still oozed the dark red liquid.

*My God, Nemesis. Please hurry and win.* Wanda thought to herself as she finished, hiding her worry with a smile.

"Uppy, please." Raiva clenched her hands like a toddler and Wanda picked her up, slightly easier than yesterday. Raiva kissed her cheek and it brought a smile to her lips, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Wanda wasn't the only one to worry about Raiva. Everyone saw her progression into the thin husk of a shell she had become. Her legs barely held any muscle from the lack of use, with it only being in her upper body. Her eyes were sunken in and her jaw became sharper, the necessary fat gone from her face. Her tattoo remained the same, but her self-infliction had left scars.

The duo trudged up the stairs and Wanda changed Raiva into more fashionable clothing, giving her some jeans and a white top underneath her leather jacket.

"Did Nat specify what we were having for breakfast?"

"Your mind is always on food, isn't it?"

"Most of the time."

"Oh really? What else occupies this beautiful brain?" Wanda poked her forehead and Raiva chuckled.

"Besides you, nothing."

Wanda kissed her at the sentiment and guided Raiva to her chair.


Wanda obliged and knelt down in front of her girlfriend, cupping her hands under her chin.

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