15. Internships (Part 2)

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**Rayne's POV**

Once I left the academy grounds I looked down at the paper Aizawa had given to me. I hadn't noticed before but he also provided the addresses for me. I've never had a teacher be so kind to me. I mean other than Sandy. I wonder how she and the kids are doing? I'll have to remember to call them later. I pulled out my phone and used my GPS to guide me to my first location.

 I pulled out my phone and used my GPS to guide me to my first location

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There it is again. Discouragement...disappointment...I'm not feeling very hopeful either. I crossed another name off of my list as I traveled to my last location. I scrolled through the page on my phone's screen trying to find something positive as I researched my last agency. I know I have to stay a little bit encouraged but I just can't. Mr. Aizawa worked so hard and put in so many good words at the last dozen places but they still didn't want to take me on. I can't let him down..even though I already have.

"We're here ma'am." The taxi driver said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you." I quickly paid him for his service and got out. As the taxi drove away I stared at the building in front of me. With a heavy sigh I made my way inside. The place looked like all the other agencies I've been to today. A few fake plants here and there, chairs, a receptionist behind a large standing desk.

"Hello and welcome to the Sargent Pro Hero Agency. How can I help you today?"

"Yes I'd like to talk to Mr. Tisho Sargent about an internship. Is he available today?" I answered as I approached the receptionist's desk.

"Yes he is. Right now he's talking with someone else. Just take a seat over there and I'll let him know that you're here." I nodded my head and took a seat where she had pointed. My foot bounced up and down on the floor in anticipation.

I don't know how many times I've looked down at my phone screen to check the time

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I don't know how many times I've looked down at my phone screen to check the time. I was getting more anxious as the minutes ticked by. Who ever he was speaking with must have went in a few seconds before I got here. Suddenly the door opened up and the receptionist went to the now open office door.

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