Chapter 44// Island of Shadows

Start from the beginning

The Throne is what shocks me most as it is made out of bones that look a bit too human for my liking.

"The Bones of your great great grandfathers enemies." Aren explains as we walk into the lifeless room.

If the Vikings I had met were savages what were the people here? The people stream into the big room as Aren, Triska and I come to stand before the Throne that looks sadder than the one in Kattegat ever could.

The people are whispering between on another causing an uneasiness in the whole room.

"People of the shadow Island we've come with great news." Aren begins as the crowd looks up to us.

"We brought great victory and revenged the death of King Ragnar Lothbrok." he says as my trusted men and woman step forward. The sight of them eases my nervousness as the crowd cheers happily.

"But revenging the greatest man our lands have ever seen wasn't the only act of justice in England." he announces looking over me.

"The cruel King that stole the crown Aage Erlandson and his son have been send to Helheim where they belong." He finishes causing shocked gasps in the crowds and worry as to why I'm standing here.

"Before you stands the daughter of Princess Lova, Queen Helena of the shadow Islands." He finishes with all the pride he has lingering in his voice as he gestures at me.

"Lova disappeared over twenty five summers ago how can she claim to be her daughter?" an older woman in the front row asks as everyone seems quite shocked.

"Frida just look into these eyes! She's truthfully Lovas; she has the gift." Triska frantically says prasing me like meat.

The shock in the crowd seems to wear off and is being replaced by pure joy.

"How do we know that you're a better ruler than Aage or Erik?" a men in the middle asks who seems to be more sceptical.

"I have no idea what is expected of a Queen but I know what I would want in a ruler, someone who protects everyone despite their status or liking. I was married to Erik and I've seen how unhappy the people were under him. I will swear to you all my protection, till my last breath I shall stand before you when war breaks loose." I announce which is followed by ear ringing cheers.

Seconds later horns all over the town blow to celebrate my coming. I smile at Triska and Aren who seem very proud as I take a step back sitting down on the throne of my ancestors.

Triska let's go of Cerberus who begins to howl in excitement before sitting down at my feet. They chant my name as I feel the power rip through me making me feel immortal.

It's almost sad that it feels just as good as I secretly imagined it to feel.

"Let's feast when the sun goes down to celebrate the new beginning." I announce which is answered by more happy cheers.

As the people leave I look around the hall feeling like we have to make a few alterations.

My fingertips tap on the skull at the end of the armrest of my throne as all of my belongings are being carried into the hall as a smiling servant begins to light a new fire.

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