five years later...

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It was five years since the blip. Y/N was confused about everything. She woke up in her barracks, with two new random people waving at her. 

"What the fuck just happened, who are you??" The two dudes laughed at her confusion. "Seriously? What the fuck, First thing I was getting up for training and next thing I knew, it was black, and now I'm back?" 

"Dude, you were blipped." Y/N stared at the dude, still just as confused. It was like he was speaking a whole different language. Eventually they summed up everything that happened. Thanos, the snap, Cap and Iron man. Everything. What the hell happened?  

Three Weeks Later...

Her Navy Seal uniform looking new, she finally got back into the grove of everything. All the recruits stared at her in awe. Like they all heard of her, or they heard something about her. She wasn't there for them. She was going to go meet her Colonel. He had called her up for "something important". Whatever the hell that meant.

Finally, she finds her Colonel. "Six", said her colonel. That was her nickname. He heard her dad call her that. "We need you, we have something going on here." He points on the map a location. She steals the map from his hand.

"I've been here a bunch of times. Europe. What am I doing there?" She looks up at her Colonel. He leads her to a tent full of a bunch of official looking people. Some old man in a suit came up to her. 

The mans smiles at her and puts out his hand. "You must be Y/N. I'm Hayward." She grabs his hand to shake, but as soon as their hands touched, it shocked them both. She looks at him with confusion. He clears his throat. We have some suspicions about someone hiding out there. We need you to go check it out." He smiles at Y/N. But it seemed off. She had an awful suspicion about him. But she thought if her colonel trusts hi, so should she. "Oh here let me show you to who you will be partnered with."

He leads her to another tent full of a bunch of computers and technology. You're introduced to a very beautiful, black locked, red lipped girl. She smiles at you both with a big smile. "I'll leave you all to it." Hayward says as he's walking to the entrance of the tent. The girl watches him walk out, and as he does, her smile leaves.

"He gives me creepy vibes." The girl says. Y/N stares at her while her stare is still lingered at the entrance of the tent. The girl looks back at her. "Oh, I'm Darcy by the way. You are Y/N? The Colonel and Hayward talked about you a lot." 

Y/N gives her a small smile. "Yeah, but you can call me Six. Hey do you know where I can get some coffee? I'm dead tired." Darcy giggles a little at her question and shakes her head.

"First things first, they never get you coffee. But lucky for you, I had Jimmy pick us up some coffee." She smiles at Y/N. Soon there's a small awkward silence. "Um since it might be a while for Jimmy to come back, how about you tell me about yourself." She seats herself in the rolling chair at the desk. Y/N leans back onto the desk.

"Well I mean there's not much to tell. I'm a navy seal, I'm 24, which sucks because I should be 29 by now but I'm not complaining-" Darcy gets excited and cuts her off.

"You got blipped?? I didn't get blipped, I watched everyone but you know, fate didn't chose me. How was it?" Y/N laughs at her excitement. It was like watching a child get happy about candy or going to a park.

"Yeah, I didn't really feel anything. It was funny, I woke up and I was in some dudes barracks. I just, yeah." Darcy nods her head. It gets quiet again. Darcy looks down at her phone but Y/N continues to stare at her. She looks back up and Y/N tries to play off her stare. 

Darcy gets up and leans against the table beside her. "So the uniform, is it heavy?" She starts messing with the pockets and Velcros on the uniform. They look at each other for a second and it starts to linger.

"Darcy have you met our new-" Jimmy walks in with all the coffee. The girls break apart and Darcy looks at Jimmy. "Oh am I interrupting something?"

"Not at all! We were just talking about her uniform. This is Six, shes a uh Navy Seal, and and shes 24." Darcy smiles at and Y/N smiles back. Jimmy just nods his head and give them their coffees.

"Alright, so, we'll take a jet or something to Slovakia, then we'll be escorted to in a Humvee up and down the country as much ground as we can cover. Now, its a lot, and a lot of driving and a lot of nothing but we are there only to look for anyone suspicious. As in people, houses, anything. There will also be another team going out." Jimmy rants on about the mission, reading off everything in the folder.

Y/N zones out while he's talking. Stuff about her past, anything that came to her. Darcy pokes her side. Although she could barely feel it though the suit she looks over at her and she acts like thing happened. Y/N pokes Darcy's side and she lets out a small laugh.

"Alright, do you 2 understand?" Jimmy looks at the both of them. They both nod their head, about to laugh. "You guys weren't listening were you." The girls start laughing while Jimmy smiles a little and looks back down at the folder, shaking his head. "Go get your stuff, pack about 7 days worth of clothes, expect for you, Six? Was is Six? Anyways you have to wear that whole get up. You're just out body guard."

"Wow that makes me feel special." She chuckles a little. Hayward comes in and escorts them out. Y/N waits at the aviation part of the base for Darcy and them, holding her pack. She see's Darcy struggling to carry in her duffel bag. Y/N goes over and helps her carry it.

"You're a life saver, I don't know what I'd do without you." She smiles at Y/N and gets into the copter. I think I like her... 

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