Chapter 6 - Hot Water

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Rose wripped open the letter from her parents. She'd written to them asking whether her friends (she hadn't specified which ones) could come to stay over the Summer Holidays and hoped they'd added a reply. She skimmed through it searching for it when the word 'Malfoy' suddenly jumped out at her.

I'm sure we'll be able to fit Indie in at home but we're not to sure on the others. It might be a tight squeeze. We still don't know whether they're very trust worthy though, especially Malfoy, he seems like a pirckly person. We'll think about it though but the answer will proabably be no.

Rose sighed, annoyed. Why did they have to be so awkward? She folded the letter up and shoved it in her pocket for observation later. She then ripped open a second letter, in an untidy scrawl.

Hey Rose,

Rose picked up the jug of pumkin juice and poured herself a cup, her eyes on the letter propped up against Indie's goblet.

How's things? I've been quite busy, go loads of homework. The bands going great by the way, we're going to play at the end of term for the prom.

Rose smiled.

Listen, I've been thinking...I dunno where to start. You see the thing is, I don't think we should go out anymore.

Rose sighed and picked up the glass of pumpkin juice. She'd known this was coming, just a matter of when.

It's not you. Your awesome. It's just this long distance thing. I think it would probably better if we were friends. You know? No hard feelings or anything. This way we can meet other people, a muggle for me, a wizard for you. I dunno, that guy Indie keeps banging on about? She seems to think you two would be good together. Samuel or something. She did say that you'd fallen out though. I hope you sort that out.

Best of luck,


Ps. Stay in touch.

Rose put down her glass with a thunk and turned to glare at Indie. The girl didn't notice though. She was far too deep into a conversation with Alex. Rose waved the letter infront of her face, stopping her talking. "Have a read of this."

"Why?" Indie said slowly, noting Rose's glare. "What's wrong?"

"I really apprieciate it when you tell all of my problems to everyone I meet." Rose growled. She dropped the letter on Indie's toast, swung her legs over the bench, stood up, grabbed her bag from the floor and marched off.

"Rose, wait!" A voice called after her. There was the sound of footsteps on stone.

"I'm really not in the mood, Sia." Rose said bluntly as Sia fell into step besides her.

"I wasn't going to say anything." Sia said, looking up at her.

"Good." Rose replied and almost imediatly she felt a rush of guilt for being harsh. She didn't apologize though, merely continued to storm down the corridors. At the speed she was going it didn't take her long to get the the library.

"You know," Sia said as they pushed through the great oak doors. "I'm sure Indie didn't mean it, whatever she did. She's just..."

"Got a big mouth?" Rose asked, inpertinantly. She strode across the foya, picked the largest book possible from the nearest shelf, without cheking the title, and slammed it down on the closest table. "That's the problem with Indie." Rose sat down. "She never bothers to think before she speaks, constantly yabbering on, even if the subject she's talking about doesn't concern her in the slightest bit possible!"

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