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Number 16, Burger King foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is some else's foot fungi-

Lmao guess who set them self up on Tumblr
- jojos-incorrect-quotes

Polnareff: ill do you one better, Kakyoin
Jotaro: no.
Polnareff: carpeted bathroom
The whole group: *running away from Polnareff*
(Crd- @gl0wst1ckjuice )

Abbacchio: Bruno, could you ask Risotto what he wants for lunch?
Bruno: he's literally right there, why don't you ask him?
Abbacchio: pfft- sure, let's try that. Risotto, what do you want for lunch?
Risotto: your dick
Abbacchio: now you try
Bruno: uhm, Risotto, what do you want for lunch?
Risotto: roast beef on wheat, hold the mayo and some crisps. Grazie, Bruno.

Fugo: hey Risotto, I like your top
Risotto: *side looks Abbacchio who's also side looking him*
Risotto: thanks his name is Bruno

Jotaro: I get really offended when people tell me I'm going to hell for being gay
Kakyoin: .. and why is that?
Jotaro: because I feel like they're overlooking all the other perfectly valid reasons I'm going to hell.

Bruno: ok is there actually anyone here who isn't gay?
Giorno: *hesitantly raises an ace hand*
Fugo: *pushes his ace hand down with his own ace hand*

Josuke: our can opener is broken
Okuyasu: so now it's a can't opener?
Josuke: . . . I can't believe I'm in love with you

Giorno: hang mistletoe but instead of kissing the other under it you have to fight them.
Fugo: so it's mistle-foe??

Risotto: *puts his head in Bruno's lap* feelin' shit. Tell me I'm pretty
Bruno: *running his fingers through his hair* pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.

Bruno: I don't want you to think me, Abbacchio and Risotto are dating, because we're not. That was accidental intercourse.
False reality: you had intercourse, with two people, accidentally? What were you trying to do Bruno?
Bruno: hand over some cases
False reality: and what, your pants fell off??

Terunosuke, jokingly: your not allowed to fall in love with me
Mikitaka, seriously: that won't be a problem
Mikitaka after a week: T H E R E.  I S.  A.   P R O B L E M.

   P R O B L E M

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