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Gwilym and Amelia arrived home the early hours of Monday morning and given the time they both went straight to their room to sleep until quarter past seven when Freddie climbs onto the bed, Queenie and Prince behind him, "Your home."

He crawls into the space between Amelia and Gwilym hugging his mum, "I missed you, mum."

Yawning she wraps her arms around his small frame, sitting back against the headboard with him on top of her, "I've missed you too baby. Have you been good for Nanny?"

"Um-hum," He hums snuggling into Amelia's hold drifting back to sleep.

"Oh no, no. No going back to sleep mister you have school," She tickles his sides making him squeal.

The squeal wakes Gwilym, he groans rolling onto his back, Freddie clambers off his mum and settles himself on top of the still half-asleep man, "Morning buddy."

"Did you ask her?" Freddie whispers trying not to give their secret away.

"Yes, I did," Gwilym whispers back smiling.

"Does that mean I can call you dad now?" It hurts Amelia's heart a little realising just how much her son wants a dad. School seems to have highlighted the father figure absence as it did for her and Anita when she was little.

Gwilym grins glancing at Amelia for her opinion and she just shrugs, "It's up to you, Babe? I'd understand either way."

"Then yes you can. It might take some getting used to though so forgive me if I don't answer to it straight away." The idea that's he's gone from being a single man to an engaged man and the dad of a six-year-old is mind-blowing but he wouldn't have it any other way. He loves his little family.

"Where's Nanny?" Amelia asks Freddie knowing full well if they stay like this any longer they'll all go back to sleep.

"She went downstairs to make breakfast after waking me up."

"Then we better not keep her waiting. Oh and don't say anything to Nanny, we'll tell her ourselves okay?"

"Okay," He whispers climbing off the bed. Gathering all her will power Amelia gets out of bed grabbing her dressing gown and follows the little boy downstairs, Gwilym trials behind.

Freddie runs ahead to his chair while Amelia goes to give her mum a hug from behind, "Morning mum."

"Morning love," Anita smiles leaning into the hug buttering Freddie's toast, "Morning Gwilym. Did you two have a good time in California?"

"Yes it was lovely, thanks Anita," Gwilym puts the kettle on making them a coffee.

Letting go Amelia gets Freddie some juice from the fridge, "Thank you for looking after Freddie. Sorry, it was so last minute."

"Not to worry we had a lovely week together." Antia sets the toast down in front of Freddie, "I'm nothing filming for anything at the moment and with Brian on tour, I would have been bored anyway."

Reaching past her mum to put Freddie's cup in front of him Anita noticed the ring on Amelia's wedding finger and gasps, "Oh my gosh, is that an engagement ring?" Jaw dropped she looks back and forth between the couple.

"Yes, it is," Amelia shares a smile with Gwilym.

"Where? When?"

"Friday, when we were at Disneyland."

"Oh, congratulations! I'm so excited for you both," Anita hugs Gwilym then her daughter before pulling back to look at the ring properly, "What a beautiful ring. You've got good taste Gwil."

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