Chapter Four: Revealed

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Chapter Four: Revealed


Brooklyn's POV

I'm not going back out there. Not with those rumours of me going around and those disgusting pictures of me spreading on the internet. Nuh uh. Plugging my iPod into my dock, I put the on Teach Me How To Dougie by Cali Swag District and cranked up the music. It's much safer and no annoying; beef jerky, hairy monkeys can get in.

Bringing up Remy just had me imagining more things having to do with the pictures so I blasted up the music and dougied like I've never dougied before. I was safe here; just me and my radio.


Remy's POV

I remembered exactly where Brooklyn lived, from years of pranks, so it took me no time at all to reach her house. Stepping up to the front door, I gulped and rang the bell. No one answered. Repeatedly, I hit the bell, but nothing could be heard.

Also remembering where her room was, I trudged to the side of her house and looked up at her window. I could see a faint image moving around and could hear music blasting through the walls. Climbing over her fence to reach her backyard, I walked over to a tree directly beneath her window.

Gripping onto the first branch, I slowly made my way through twigs, leaves, and insects, and managed to work my way to a thick branch which was protruding out towards her window. Cautiously, I walked across it not daring to look down. When I had finally reached her window, I let out a long breath that I hadn't known I'd been holding in.

Slowly, I lifted up her window and climbed in to see Brooklyn dancing to Teach Me How to Dougie. I stood by the window in shock. Who knew she could dance? Shaking my head, I remembered why I was here.


She just kept on dancing.


Still no reply. Walking over to her dock, I unplugged her iPod. She must've been really into the music because she was still moving her body around as if the music had never stopped. Sighing, I walked over to her and shook her shoulders, "Brooklyn!"

She snapped out of her trance and looked at me with a blank stare. Recognizing who I was, her expression turned grim and she glared at me.

"What the hell! How did you get into my room?"

"I...I climbed up the tree."

"That just proves that you're a monkey. Well anyway, you're going to have to climb back down because I'm kicking you out!"

"W-wait. Can you at least let me tell you why I'm here?"

"You don't need to tell me why you're here. I know exactly why you're here. You're here to gloat some more about those sicko pictures you posted on the Internet. Well congratulations. Now get the hell out of my house. Oh, but before you leave, I wanna ask you one thing. How did you do it? You were never much of a genius in technology. Did you get some nerd that you had bullied to hook it up for ya?"

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