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"Alright... I'm gonna give Ming a short call and get us some nice food... how about you'll take a shower in the meantime?"

Mix looked up from the empty fridge and their eyes met, him smiling sadly when seeing how red the other's eyes were. Thinking back to the past weeks, he had never seen Earth cry before... if he was really honest though, he also never wanted to see him that way again. Mix had already picked up that the other didn't like telling people about his troubles or how he sometimes felt about things. Especially that night when they had met for the first time, when they were alone and talking... it seemed obvious that Earth didn't want to do this whole Switch. And after this time, it was even clearer to him than before: him and Earth were quite similar in that department. They were both people that didn't like talking about their feelings or letting others know how they really felt behind their walls.

"I can just get some food for us, you don't have..."

Before Earth could say more, Mix had already walked over to him and placed his hand softly on the other's shoulder while simply shaking his head.

"I don't do this because I have to. I do it because my friend here is not feeling good, and I wanna make him feel better , " he whispered and tilted his head a little to give Earth a big smile. "Just take a shower and relax a little, and I'm gonna be back soon with something you like."

With that, Mix took his phone and wallet, before heading out the apartment and leaving Earth standing there... a little unsure if it was okay to feel this happy in such a situation. Even if it was just as good friends, it felt more than nice not being alone in this situation. It was ... almost like he wished his relationship would be. A warm and comfortable place where there was someone, who would care if he was having a hard time. A person that knew him well enough to pick up his moods, someone who wouldn't only be there in the days of glory and happiness.

It was a nice feeling, creating memories with a partner that would last your whole life, thinking back about those moments together, filling photobooks foûll of moments that you will never forget until the day you died. But there was another thing that was maybe even a little nicer than that: Going through hard times together. Many people would be there on your bright days, on days that one could conquer the world and have the time of their lifes. But what about all those other days? When the world felt like a black hole, no light able to escape it? On the days that one would cry his heart our and feel as if one shattered in a million pieces?  Wouldn't it be nice knowing that your significant other would catch you when you fell, help taping the pieces of your heart together agian - making you feel as if you could overcome all of that?

A couple moments later Earth finally started moving, walking over to his bedroom and then heading for the bathroom to take a shower. It felt weird being in there ao^lone, seeing Pan's things everywhere and remembering the nice memories they had spend in every space of the apartment... But feeling bad about it wouldn't help. He could get stuck in the rest of his feelings for the younger and wither while building up 'if' scenarios in his mind... or try to accept the reality and slowly overcome it.

Though he had made that conclusion for himself, it took Earth almost 30 minutes to take a shower and get dressed, changing in his favourite green sweater and jogging pants. With a last glance in the mirror and to his red and puffy eyes he left the bathroom, walking outside and running directly into Mix who was about to knock on the door.

"I made us some dinner... let's eat."

Earth slowly nodded, mirroring the other's smile as good as he could before both of them walked back to the kitchen, were a huge amount of spaghetti carbonara was already waiting, steam arising from it and it smelling as if an italian chef had just freshly prepared it. Well maybe not exactly on that level, but when it came to Mix Earth surely wasn't completely objective when thinking or recognising things.

"It looks amazing Mix..."

The Switch {EarthMix}Where stories live. Discover now