"Yes," I say breathlessly from the sight of the green-eyed beauty
"Go on," She says with an encouraging nod. I approach quickly wanting to talk to her as soon as possible but Alex's voice stops me once again "Kara, Don't come on too strong"
I think for a second and nod before closing the distance between myself and the beauty.
She hears my footsteps and turns to face me.
When her green eyes meet mine my mind goes blank and the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "Come home with me" as I offer her the paper rose.
I cringe internally and I can see Alex facepalm from the corner of my vision.
She raises an eyebrow at me and says "Who are you?"
"The person who is gonna marry you. I'm Kara"
The girl turns to Alex and gestures to me as she says "Is she always like this?"
Alex comes slightly closer to us as she says "Yes" a slight apology hinted at in her tone.
The girl turns her attention back to me with a humorous smile as she says "I'm Lena."
"Your name is like a melody" Okay so my filter is just fucking gone at this point. Great.
"A singer?" She questions while leaning toward me. "Is that what you are?"
I turn and point toward the bar as I say "I also play the lyre"
She scoffs and smirks at me as she says "Ohhh a liar and a player too. I have known too many people like you" before turning to face away from me.
I quickly run around the table so she is forced to look at me again. "Oh no I'm not like that"
Alex finally reaches us and rests a hand on Lena's shoulder as she points at me and says "She's not like anyone you have ever met" She glances up at me and says "Tell her what you are working on"
I fiddle with the flower in my hands as I say "I'm working on a song. It isn't finished yet but when it's done and when I sing it spring will come again"
"Come again?"
"Spring will come again."
"When? I haven't seen a spring or fall since... I can't recall" She says in a bitter sad tone.
I grin widely and say "That's what I'm working on."
She smiles softly back at me as I say "A song to fix what's wrong take what's broken and make it whole" I take a seat next to her and offer her the rose once again as I say "A song so beautiful It brings the world back into tune back into time and all the flowers will bloom..." She lightly grabs the flower as I blush and continue quietly "And you become my wife"
Unfortunately, she hears me.
Her eyes widen and she moves away as she says "Oh, she's crazy. Why would I become his wife?"
"Maybe because she'll make you feel alive," Alex says with a chuckle.
"Alive? That's worth a lot. What else ya got?" She says while looking me up and down.I grin widely.
(quick information dumb THIS IS IMPORTANT ISH SO PLEASE READ) what happens between this scene and the scene you are about to read is Lena (Eurydice) dies and goes to Hell because of a trick from hades (just legit hades I couldn't think of a character from supergirl that would fit his king aesthetic) Kara (Orpheus) doesn't accept that Lena is really gone so she literally walks to hell to get to her (the song where that happens is called Wait for Me if you want to listen to it and the song used above is called Come home with me both from hadestown) She reaches hell to get Lena back but Hades isn't just going to let them go easy peasy.

SuperCorp One shots
FanfictionHey y'all! You are here because you like supercorp and supergirl. So do I so that's why I am writing this. I have another one shot book that has lots of amazing lesbian and queer stories but I felt I was just posting supergirl content recently and...
A song so Beautiful
Start from the beginning