Chapter 16

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It took him not too long but long enough for him to get worried for Mandalay to get to the house. He kicked the door open, alerting the teachers. Aizawa and Vlad jumped out, ready to attack, but then saw Midoriya holding Ojiro and panting wildly.

"Midoriya, what's going on?! What happened to Ojiro?!" Aizawa snapped, taking Ojiro from exhausted Midoriya.

"I...The villains...They're here! The league...They've got more members, and they're here! The pussycats need...backup!" Midoriya panted but managed to say it. Aizawa and Vlad stared at him with disbelief in their eyes for a few seconds before Aizawa handed Ojiro to Vlad and began running towards the door.

"Stay here! Don't let anyone leave Vlad!" He snapped again, running.

"Wait! I can't! I...Mandalay asked me a favor!" Midoriya managed. I have to think of something...What do I say?!

"Kota! He's still out there! I know where he is!" He then remembered. Vlad obviously hesitated, but before he could get an answer he ran out as fast as he could, running towards Kota's hideout.

He jumped on the trees and finally made it to the hideout, just in time to see an extremely muscular man with blond hair who was missing and eye standing in front of crying and panicked Kota.

Muscular...! Midoriya remembered seeing him the day he told them about the training camp in the leagues hideout.

If the league risked and didn't exclude their strongest members, what is it that's so worth fighting for?

Midoriya didn't have time to think. He rubbed his hands together and swung his fist at Muscular, sending him crashing into the hill. Midoriya grabbed Kota and was about to jump away when Muscular quickly grabbed his foot and slammed him against the floor. Midoriya pushes Kota away from him right before he hit the ground, and Kota hit the ground harshly, nearly falling off the cliff.

"Huh? I could've sworn I've seen that green hair somewhere before..." Muscular mumbled loudly enough for Midoriya to hear. Midoriya rose his face slowly, coughing from the dust. Muscular's eyes opened wide.

"Oh! Damn kid, you should've said it was you! A little stronger than that and you might've ended up with a broken skull!" Muscular laughed and picked Midoriya up.

"Let...Me go..." Midoriya managed.


"They're supposed...To think I'm a...Hero here..." Midoriya managed. It was partially true, but he was more concerned that Kota was slowly catching his breath and might see them acting friendly.

"Right! Sorry kid." He put him down on his feet and Midoriya ran towards Kota as fast as he could.

"Hey! Get the kid back here!" Muscular snapped as Midoriya jumped in the air with him. Midoriya looked back and saw Muscular showing him thumbs up as he continued to yell and curse at him. Midoriya smiled back but as he turned forward, he frowned deeply.

If something like this is going to happen again, especially if others are around, he was going to be in deep trouble...

"Over there!" Midoriya heard a familiar voice call out. As he looked down he saw Todoroki pointing somewhere in the sky, most likely Midoriya's direction. He was about to call out when...

"Welcome to the show, Midoriya!" Midoriya swirled around to see Mr. Compress flying next to him, marbles in his hands.

"Let's play!" Mr. Compress through some of his marbles higher into the sky, and when the objects that were kept in them flew out, it was too late.

2 giant boulders fell onto Midoriya, and he and Kota fell fast to the ground.

I can't destroy them both when we're falling so fast! This thought flew threw Midoriya's head as he thought of a plan. He released Kota, and Kota screamed even more as he tried to grab onto Midoriya. Midoriya then flicked his finger, and a wave of wind sent both the boys flying into different directions.

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