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Camila's Pov
I wake up to being lightly poked, on the top of my nose, by Scott. I open my eyes, rubbing them awake, and I see Scott looking at me funnily.

"What?" I ask him sleepily.

"Dad called. He wants us to go to the Sheriff's Station now." Stiles says coming into view.

"Okay. Can someone carry me please?" I ask and stretch my arms upwards, waiting for someone to lift me.

"I've gotta drive so Scotty your up." Stiles says leaving the room.

I look at Scott and pout, doing puppy eyes, and he smiles.

"Fine. I'll do it."he says and he picks me up off of the bed after I unplug my phone and pick it up.

Scott carries me downstairs and places me in the backseat of Stiles's Jeep. They then get in front seat and drive off.

"So what did you boys do whilst I was asleep?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"We saved Helium." Stiles says sarcastically.

"What?" I ask whilst yawning.

"I was worried okay." Stiles makes an excuse.

"Okay then, why are we going to Dad's Station?" I ask.

"We don't know yet." Scott answers my question.

We sit in a peaceful silence for a bit until I speak up.

"What happens when you two go to college?"I blurt out.

"What?" Scott asks in confusion as he turns around in his seat and looks back at me.

"When you two go to college, what happens here in Beacon Hills?" I ask again.

"They'll be fine without us, besides your going to college too."Stiles says.

I sigh.

"I haven't thought about that." I say.

"What? It's been over a year since we started to talk about college. You have a year till you go to college. Why haven't you thought about it?" Stiles asks, glancing back at me.

"I don't want to leave Brett or Liam. I don't want to leave Lori or Mason either." I explain.

"JFC is literally 30 minutes away from the high school, you can literally see them everyday."Stiles says.

"You won't be leaving anyone behind." Scott adds.

"Dad said he doesn't talk to any of his friends from high school and they were all his best friends too." I state.

"Yes but they didn't go through stuff that made us as close as we are. They had a normal life and face it Camila, none of us have a normal life." Stiles explains.

I sigh again.

"Clearly not since we're going to the Sheriff's Station. It's gotta be something supernatural for sure." I say.

"When isn't it." Scott jokes, causing us to laugh out.

"By the way can you guys drop me off at Deaton's afterwards. I want to talk to him something." I ask.

"Should we be worried?"they both ask and I shake my head no.

At the Sheriff's Station
We pull up outside of the Sheriff's Station and we walk inside. Almost immediately Sheriff comes round the corner and brings us outside the door of his office.

He starts explaining to us how Liam found a kid in the back of an abandoned car in the middle of the road. Apparently his parents were taken and pronounced missing. He wants us to dig into the kids mind and try to find some memories of what happened to them.

We walk inside Sheriff's Office and we see the kid sitting on a chair in the middle of the room.

"Alex, you know we're having trouble locating your parents and since you can't really remember anything we have a method. An unusual method, which might help you remember, but I need you to be okay with it. I also need to let you know that it might hurt." he says kneeling down in front of Alex.

"I don't care, just help me find my parents." Alex says, sadly looking at us.

"Mila, you wanna do it?" Scott asks.

"I'll do something else instead." I say and Scott nods his head.

I pull up a chair besides Alex and I sit besides him, and hold my hand out in front of him. Sheriff goes to the windows and shuts the blinds on them and on the door.

"Are you ready?" Scott asks, kneeling in front of Alex and I, and placing his arm on Alex's shoulder.

Alex looks at me before he places his hand in mine.

"Ready."he says and Scott slips his hand onto the back of his neck and slides his claws into Alex's neck.

Alex grabs onto my hand tightly and I slowly start to take away any pain that he is feeling. I watch as Scott's eyes screw shut, due to the fact he's trying to concentrate. A few minutes later Scott gasps for breath and stands up, stumbling to Stiles and Sheriff.

"What did you see?"Stiles asks Scott.

"I saw a tall guy on a horse with a gun. His face looked like bark off of a tree." Scott says.

I look at Scott confused when I hear a small voice in the back of my head.

Ghost Riders

"Ghost Riders." I question under my breath.

"What?" Sheriff asks.

I look up and realise they heard what I said.

"Ghost Riders."I repeat before everything goes black again.

I see men on horses. They're faces don't look remotely close to human. They're all rough and splintered, like tree bark. In their gun holsters they have bulky pistols, which shoot green smoke out of. The men shoot at a woman and a green hole appears in her chest. She screams loudly as she turns into smoke and disappears. A man runs and tries to grab her but one of the men pull out a whip from their belt and lasso it around the man. It gets caught around his neck and with one quick tug on the whip and the man disappears, the same way the woman did, in a puff of smoke. I see myself running around the corner of the school building, trying to find something, when I see Stiles's Jeep in the parking lot. I look inside and I see Stiles with Lydia. One second later I see one of the men jump off of their horses and drag Stiles out of his Jeep.
"STILES!" I shout running towards him.
"CAMILA!" Stiles shouts back as he disappears.
I was too late. The Ghost Riders got him.

"Camila!" I hear someone shout.

My eyes shoot wide open and I gasp for breath, scared out of my mind for what I just saw.

"Where's Stiles?" I stammer out.

"I'm right here." he says from behind me.

I turn around and see him and I quickly wrap my arms around him, glad he's okay. He stays still, probably in shock, before he hugs me back and strokes my hair comfortingly.

"What did you see?" Scott asks from behind.

I turn around from Stiles and I look at them and then I look at Alex. He looks scared, traumatised, frightened even. I can't tell them for his sake.

"Nothing." I say.

"Are you sure?" Scott asks.

"Absolutely nothing." I repeat whilst looking down at Alex.

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