52. Surprising stuff

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Hi there Assalamu Alaikum. It's me, not a ghost, dw. So how's lyf ppl?😛

I have created an instagram account. Do follow me there if you can. @bright_shiner07 (the link is in my bio)

Also, I published a new short story "Final Destination". Would love if you'll could give it a try.



~ Keep your eyes lifted high upon the sun and you'll see the best light in everyone.


The sun rose and so did I.

And bleh.

So did Zameer. Surprise!


What a pain!


"Come here quick! You won't believe this!" I hear his excited voice.

I roll my eyes and walk to the balcony. Only to see Zameer sitting on the floor cross-legged with his pyjamas on.

"What are you doing!?" I screached.

"Hush!" Zameer keeps a finger on his lips, to silence me and says, "I am watching these birds. See what they are upto."

I curiously went towards him and looked at the direction of the birds.


It was an average sized bird, of which species I didn't know, but the thing was there were two of them, literally and completely hugging each other, and here Zameer was watching them with love in his eyes.

"Why are you invading their privacy?" I mused.

He rubbed his hand. "Oh my god, I wonder what they are going to do... this is going to be interesting, for sure!"

I blinked.

He cheekily moves even closer to the birds.

I blinked.

He then flushed. "I can't see this anymore..."

I blinked.

"I am going back to sleep now," he mumbles.

My senses began working again.

"NO! You are not!"

"Yes, I am!"

He runs.
I chase him.

He sleeps.
I wake him.

He wakes.
I hit him.

He runs.
I chase him. Again.

And so our morning flew by.


After having a full lunch, I began washing the dishes alongside Zehra.

"You're the new daughter of this house. You must not enter the kitchen," Zehra mimicked.

I grinned. "Oh you poor thing! Jealous, are we?"

She slaps my hand and stucks out her tongue childishly, "Imma going to the park with mama and dad, you must tolerate my brother alone."

"As if I don't always," I grumbled. "When are you going?"


"I wanna go too," I whined.

"You'll be going to the honeymoon with your hubby anyway, so stop complaining," she gives a look.

I shrug then looked at her curiously. "Why didn't you come with us to the hospital to meet Aahil?"

"I had an assignment to finish, and anyway it wouldn't make a difference," Zehra replies briskly.

"Humaira didn't come either. And she isn't answering the call," I say, frowning.

She keeps silent.

"What's up with you guys?" I ask, with a bored look.

Zehra looks at me. "You and Bushra are married now. You guys don't have time for all those stuff. Bushra is somewhat indulging with us, but you? Nah. Well, I am not complaining, Amyrah. You just started a new life. But it's just sad to see you become a stranger. It's so sad. So sad to know that we've all walking away from each other, that one can't even share our thoughts with the other. I wonder why you guys married so young?"

She stops and whispers, "I am sorry."

Then walks away.

I look at her retreating figure.

And stare.

I keep on staring.

Wishing she didn't just say the things she said.

"But I am married to your brother..." I say, still staring at the direction she left.


"Who hurt you, my love!?" Zameer yells, dramatically and sits on the sofa, with his arms and legs stretched in a sleeping position with one of his elbows on my shoulder and the other--- who knows where, I didn't bother sparing him a glance.

"Oh, so you've become emotional coz you couldn't go with Zehra? Love, don't worry, we are going tomorrow!!!"

"Where?" I deadpanned.

"That place... um... honeymoon..." He grins sheepishly, scratching his head. Why can't he say honeymoon? Is he shy or what? Nope. It must be for some other stupid reasons for sure.

But wait, what!?

"Tomorrow!?" I screached.

"Yep. Pack your stuffs! We are going at 7 am!" He says, fisting his hand up in the air.

"And you are telling me this now!?"

"Well, I wanted to say it at night," He shrugs.

"Oh my gosh! We are actually going!!!" I yell excitedly.


"Ah! I love you, Zam!"


"I love this trip!"






"Don't lie," Zameer says after quite a few minutes.

"Um, what?"

"You said you love me," He says, as a matter of factly.

"Um, yeah?"

"So you love me."


"It's fine. I love you too."


What just happened?




Sorry, next chap will be really long.

Was the update good or bad?


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